The Hamster's Death

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"Dude, one time I had a 15 pound hamster." Dyso said into his microphone, waiting for the response of his friend, Bloom.
Bloom: "What's with you and hamsters..." He replied in a joking-like manner, Dyso simply just laughed with Bloom to hide his sadness as he remembered what happened that one late night.
Dyso stared at the road in shock, he watched as the blood and organs spilled onto the road from his hamster's body. He was just a few seconds late from stopping the car from running over his sweet yet fat hamster. Rain started pouring down as Dyso fell to the ground and sobbed.
"Well, I'm gonna go now." Dyso said, leaving the call and turning his PC off before going to bed.

every single story ive written in my notebook irl🙀🙀Where stories live. Discover now