the plan

23 3 1

Well then I heard a knock on the door and I thought the person who entered the door was Percy but that doesn't make sense, Percy was still the mother of Chiron and Poseidon who was still screaming so who was it. Again there was a knock on the door and I also heard the sound of Grover's voice, he knocked and said "Are you there?" He knocked
"Yes" Kathy "you can come in" he came in and said:

Grover: I'm sorry.
Me: No need. (I felt like I was going to burst into tears but I managed)
Grover: If you want I can help you.
Me: No need. Wait, maybe yes.
Grover: Okay, so what?
Me: You will be seen. Let me explain the plan to you

I explained the plan to him. It took me about an hour but it was worth it. The plan is supposed to go like this: Grover goes to Percy and tells him to be in the lake because it will help him. At that time I will also go to the lake and then me and Percy will be together and it will probably attract the heart node of Poseidon and my mother and then we will know what happened because they were here. They won't let us spend time together. It was a crazy and desperate plan but it's really important

תרגום טקסט באמצעות המצלמה
Grover didn't look pleased but he left. In the meantime, I also got ready to go out, I went out, I made some progress and then Piper stopped me.

Piper: Going where he is?
Me: (I didn't have the strength to play her innocent so I said) Yes. Please don't tell anyone. Your mother always says there is nothing more important than love.
Piper: Well, considering my mother is the goddess of love.
Me: Oh please then for me.
Piper: Well, I don't care.

And Piper went on her way.
I decided not to take any more risks and put on my invisibility hat and obviously it didn't work. Of course my mother won't trust me. "Damn it mom" I said and moved forward so that as few as possible would see me
I finally got to the lake and saw Percy

I motioned for him to sit next to me and wait. When two minutes passed I started to worry that they wouldn't come so I started to pick up a gear that would pull their heartstrings. I started playing with him and then when I came to kiss him it happened.

Poseidon and Athena: What do you think you're doing?

Well, this is my third episode in English, I hope you liked it
The next episode was
With seven views and 2 stars
For now, come on, bye 👑💖👑🌟✨🌟💓❤️💖

ובכן, זה הפרק השלישי שלי באנגלית, אני מקווה שאהבתם
הפרק הבא היה
עם שבעה נופים ו-2 כוכבים
בינתיים, יאללה, ביי 👑💖👑🌟✨🌟💓❤️💖

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