Part 1

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So i was talking to my frined and got this ideal about Mew, but then I got a different ideal, and... this is going be lot's of fun, so... let the story begin!

In the treehouse
Mew: ...
Eevee: M-mommy?
Mew: ... *Fall and fainted*
Eevee: M-mommy!  i-i kill mommy! *Crying*

Few minutes later.
Mew: *Started to wake up* (That was the most widely dream of all time, all i did is look at this house then the egg hatch then the eevee-) *Hear crying* (It was no dream) H-hey I'm-
Eevee: mommy! Y-you alive! *Hug mew*
Mew: H-hey I'm not your mom, you just surprised me.
Eevee; *let go* Y-you not, t-then where is my mommy?
Mew: I-i don't know. (Then again this place seems like it got badly attacked, maybe that is why) Look little one... I think your parents might have die.
Eevee: D-die?
Mew: Yes, it means... they are not around anymore.
Eevee: W-why. *Sob*
Mew: ... look.. i... I'm sorry, life is unfair... but... I can be your mommy.
Eevee: R-really?
Mew: Yes.
Eevee: Mommy! *Hug mew*
Mew: *Was a bit shock but hug back* (maybe it not be to bad) *Then see two more eggs* (Oh right... i think i can handle it) *Then hear a growl*
Eevee: M-mommy, I'm hungry.
Mew: Hmm... wait here. I'll be right back *Teleport*
Eevee: *Shock* M-mommy? *Look around and was a bit scared*

For the next hour.
Mew: I'm back, here the food.
Eevee: Mommy! I-i thought you were gone.
Mew: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just teleport.
Eevee: Te-teleport?
Mew: Yes, when I go to any place I want.
Eevee: Whoa~ *Sparkling eyes*
Mew: *Giggle* Go on eat, I'll-
Then both hear a creak
Both look and see another egg is hatching.
Mew: Oh, it seems like your twin is hatching soon.
Eevee; twin?
Mew; it means both you and your twin will be the same age.
Eevee: Ohhhh.
Once hatch there was another eevee.
Eevee 2: *see eevee, and mew* Hi?
Eevee: I have a sister!
Eevee 2: Yeah! *Look at Mew* Are you my mommy?
Mew: I'm not, but you can call me that, just like your brother here.
Eevee 2: mommy! *Hug mew*
Mew: (This is so adorable)
Eevee: Here is food.
Eevee 2: Thank you!
Mew: (maybe it won't be bad at all)
For the next few days, mew would play, feed them and help them learn new things, and make a name for them. The first eevee is named speed due to his hyper energy, then crystal due to her eyes sparking each time she learns new things.
Crystal: Mommy, why can't we fly?
Mew: It's because I'm a physic
Crystal: Oh... so we can't fly.
Mew: No... wait I got an idea. *Touch both speed and crystal*
Speed and crystal started to flow up
Crystal: We are flying!
Speed: *Spinning* I don't feel so good!
Mew: *Giggle* *stop speed* easy now my boy, don't freak out, just relax and it will be easy.
Crystal: This is so much fun! *Flying around*
Speed: ... mommy.
Mew: yes?
Speed: Why is he or she not hatching?
Mew: oh right, it seems he is taking longer to hatch, just wait a few more months.
Speed: Oh okay.
Crystal: Ow!
Both look and see crystal rubbing her face and can see she hit the well.
Mew: *Giggle* You okay?
Crystal: I'm fine mommy.
Mew: That's good.
Many months have past since the third eevee has hatched, his name is solarflare due to the flowers he has and the sunlight was on him. But made it short to flare.
Mew was resting sleeping, while speed and crystal talk and watch flare in the flower bed biting his tail.
Crystal: Mommy is tired.
Speed: yeah... I hope mommy is okay.
Then the house shook a little.
Crystal: W-what was that?
Speed: I-i don't know.
Then out of the door that broke show a Feraligatr.
Speed, crystal and flare scream. Costing mew to wake up and saw the feraligatr and without warning push him to the wall with psychic.
Feraligatr: let me go so i can- *Froze and become scared*
Mew; You dare to hurt my children's!
Feraligatr: *Turn pale* (T-those lady mew children's?!) W-wait I'm sorry i-i was hungry a-and-
An oran berry was roll near them
Speed: I-if y-you were, t-then you could have a-ask.
Feraligatr was in shock.
Mew: speed why?
Speed: Y-you teach us to help anymon that is in need with good reason, and he was hungry.
Mew: ... *Small smile* I did say that. *Looking at feraligatr with a glare* You are very lucky. *Use psychic to grab some berries and place them down near the feraligatr* Leave, and don't come back like that again.
Feraligatr: Y-yes, u-understood. *Left with the berries*
Mew: Speed you were brave, but you needed to be careful. Yes i did say helping mon is good, but there is time they won't Listen and will do very bad stuff.
Speed: I-i know mommy...
Mew then looks at Crystal who is still shaking fly to her and hugging her.
Mew: Shhhhh, it's okay. Everything is alright.
Crystal: M-mommy *Hugging back in tears*
Speed: Flare? Flare where are you?
Mew: *heard this and look around until she saw the flower's shaking* There he is.
Speed: *look and want to it* Flare?
Flare: S-scawy
Speed: *Hug flare* It's okay, you're safe now.
Flare hug back still shaking.
Mew: (i need to do better... maybe i should get help)

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