Chapter 10: Order in Chaos

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"你看白雲 慢慢地 慢慢地 走 河水慢慢遊
追著微風 慢慢地 慢慢地 走 風箏慢慢遊
跟著太陽 慢慢地 慢慢地 走 影子慢慢遊
我們兩個 慢慢的 慢慢的 整個世界 慢慢的 沒有煩憂"

"Look at the clouds, slowly, slowly moving, the waters slowly streaming

Chasing the wind, slowly, slowly going, the kite slowly floating

Following the sun, slowly, slowly, the shadow slowly walking

The two of us, slowly, slowly, the whole world, slowly, without frustrations'

~Slow Motion - 鹿晗 Luhan


"Beth, I need the statistics for April. Can you sort it through by today?" Maria said, not taking her eyes off her computer. "And Doctor Cho's got an appointment. U-GIN sent a message saying that someone wants to meet her."

Maria's office was spacious, several shelves and cupboards lining the walls. Her desk was orderly, filled with files and computer screens. She herself sat behind her desk, absorbed in her work. Near a corner, Beth worked on a smaller table. While Beth had an office to herself, she found it was much easier to work in here, especially when Maria needed things. Such as right then.

"She scheduled her own appointment time. I told her to submit the results for evaluation by Doctor Banner. The Bio labs have already run through it twice and the experiments worked fine." Beth replied, juggling three folders and a hand-held screen. "The statistics are on your cupboard behind you. Third shelf, second to the right. Expenditure's going to take some time, the finance team is falling behind. And also Miss Potts is here to see you. I was notified of her arrival five minutes ago."

"Thank you." Maria said, standing up to get the file with the information she needed. "Did Miss Potts say what she needed?"

"Miss Potts needs the latest updates on the mission, the latest relevant lab reports, the statistics from March, expenditures from April and would absolutely kill for a coffee right now."

"Pepper!" Maria said with a smile as Pepper Potts stood outside the door. "Come in. I can get you some coffee right now if you want. Then I'll give you the updates. Are you in a rush?"

As Pepper shook her head, Maria asked "Beth, could you get coffee?"

"Really it's no bother." Pepper said. "I'm not in a rush. Here to check on Tony too."

Beth silently pointed at the door. There was a quiet rap seconds later. "Coffee for Miss Potts?"

"Ah yes, thank you." Pepper said, taking the cup. Walking over to Maria, she pulled a chair and sat down. "Mmm, that's good coffee. How did they know to put cinnamon in it?"

Maria glanced over at Beth who smiled slightly. 

"Well, I hope you like it." Maria said, not really knowing what else to say. "Also, I'm afraid expenditure's going to have to wait. The finance team is behind schedule."

Nearby, Beth finished tidying up the folders in her hands and skirted around her desk to pass them to Maria. Giving them both a smile, she turned to leave the room.

"Efficient as usual." Maria chuckled. "Here's the statistics from March, and the summarized version of the lab reports in case you want to go through anything right now. If I'm not mistaken, the digital copies of the statistics and the full lab reports were just sent to you."

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