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luke was hanging around by himself at lunch since kate had practice (he suspected she was going to see orla.) and rory? he had no clue where he was. while he was talking a stroll he thought about that new kid again..xavier? he wasn't sure why but he was fascinated with him. as if on cue there he was, he was surrounded by a bunch of kids pestering him with a bunch of questions. "Okay uh one question at a time please guys.." xav tried to get across the crowd of people. luke giggled to himself "that seems horrible to go through" "I KNOW LIKE I COULDNT IMAGINE THAT." luke guessed by the shouting rory had finally come back though he was particularly happy..he wondered where he had been. soon the crowd died out and it was just the three of them in the hallway. rory being the annoying kid he is motioned xav to come over. luke's heart stopped as hit whispered to rory that he should stop and go die in a hole. "hey what's up." xav said in his deep alpha voice. luke's tail started wagging furiously but it was hidden so he didn't mind. "h..he..hey im xav..wait no i mean haha..your xav im uhm luke." luke mentally slapped himself what was wrong with him?? rory saw this and smirked. "hey dude luke wanted to say hi" "wait you two are already friends?" "yea..?" rory said as it had literally been 4 hours since xav got here and they're already friends. "im not even going to ask." luke learned not to mess with rory's business as he's so sigma it wouldn't be wise 😈 "anyways i saw a cute boy earlier im going to say hi..you get to know xav BYE LUKEEE" before luke could even disagree rory dashed off. man what the fuck is wrong with that kid.. "so what's up uh xav.." "nothing much heh weren't you the one that threw a plane at me in maths? get better aim im not the twin towers" luke laughed and also blushed a little "heh yea sorry about that" luke says as he tucked his hair behind his ear and nervously looked to the side.. "it's fine do you wanna ha-" BRERRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHNNG xav was cut short by the class bell. luke wanted to die it just had to come at the worst moment huh. "bye 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒆" xav says as he walked pasted to get to alpha wolf training with rory. luke stood there for a min his tail and his heart going crazy.

cuties 🥰🥰🥰 (a luke and xav ship story)Where stories live. Discover now