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ONE WEEK LATER...........

"For god's sake will someone tell me why there are so many people roaming around my house in this early morning and with all this stuff ?" Sleepy net asked annoyingly because the continuous noise in the house ruined his precious sleep.

"Mom!! Aunt Yu!! Will someone tell me what is happening?" He said with half closed eyes which immediately got wide open when he saw a man coming upstairs with ladder and that ladder would've almost hit him if he hadn't dodged.

"Yaaah!! Break my head!! Break my head in this early morning!" he said.

"Sorry sir"

"Sorry sir? You were about to split my head into two." net said.

"Sorry sir" the man bowed and went upstairs and net went downstairs.

"Where the hell is everyone ?"

"Sir, if you are looking for your family then they are outside....in the garden." another man spoke.

"Oh okay!! Thankyou so much." net ran outside.

He came outside and saw everyone except james

"Where is he ?" He thought as he went to his mom.

"Morning mom."

"Oh you're up! Good morning."

"Where is doctor?"

"Why?" longlee spoke before his mother.

"Just want to know...."

"There he is. He went there as soon as we come outside." yanaruk pointed in a direction, net turned his head to see his doctor and immediately a smile formed on his lips.

"And he said he doesn't like my words !" net thought you may ask why .it's because

james was sitting there on the swing, moving slowly back and forth with his eyes closed, face towards the sky. His body was leaned a bit backwards and his legs were straight in order to avoid contact with the ground.

"Why are there so much people in the house mom?" net asked, eyes still fixed on james

"Ohh!! I organised a party today."

"Party for what?"

"I am announcing your brother's engagement today. Thats why!"

"Really?" net finally turned yanaruk and she nodded.

"But why engagement announcement party?" he asked.

"Because engagement is gonna happen one day." she said.

"In that case......their first night is also gonna happen one day so shall we organise a ''first night announcement party'' huh?" net said while wiggling his eyebrows only to get a smack on his head by his elder brother.

"Leave it you two!!! I am so happy!!" longleee said.

"Aren't you too excited mom?" longlee asked to her mom

"I am and I want marriage soon." she said.

"No...nope!" longlee said.

"What!! But whyy??"

"Because my dear mother, I want you to walk on your feet on my marriage. So if you want this marriage to happen soon then you will have to stand on your feet faster and show us that you can walk." longlee said.

"Great deal!! I completely agree because I clearly know how lazy this old lady is!" net said.

"Shut up!! Brat!" she said.

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