★Part 15★

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★Thank you Blooming_Nature for your suggestion!★

Kyle's POV: I went into my shift when it was bright and early, roughly around 8:30 am. I was putting my name badge on as Kenny did the same for himself. We both went up to our registers and did our usual, taking orders and sending them to the back. As Kenny was talking to one of his regulars, Butters (kinda think they got a thing 👉👈), a man walked up to me who I had seen a few times in here but never really got to know him. "I'll take a black coffee.", He said. I pulled out a cup and put the pen up to it. "Name?", I asked. "Stan..", He responded with a slight smile on his face. I wrote it down and gave it to the back workers. "So, your single?", Stan asked. Straight to the point, I thought. "Yeah, you interested or something?", I asked. He smiled and looked at me, "Yeah but im not looking for just a fuck here and there..", He said.

Stan's POV: I was trying to lay down some settle hints I don't just want his body, he seems really interesting. "What do you mean?", He asked back. "Well, I'm more of a relationship type guy..", I said, smiling at him. "Don't get many of those..", He said, grabbing my coffee that was just now coming out and handing it to me. "Thanks", I said, and waved to him as I was walking to leave. He called me back for a second as he was writing something down on a small paper.

Nobody's POV: Once Kyle had finished writing he handed the paper to Stan. Stan took the paper and looked down, figuring out it was Kyle's number. Stan looked up and smiled at a now blushing and slightly flustered Kyle. "Well thanks, I'll call you later darling..", Stan said, blowing a kiss and walking out with his coffee and Kyle's number in hand.

★I'm gonna make different parts of this specific story because I don't just want it all being about smut even if it is the title of the book, there will be smut about this chapter eventually though!★

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