The beginning

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Cross was reading Anime at his desk waiting for a mission to come to him. 

"What are you doing Cross?" Dream smiled at him from behind. 

Cross jumped dropping his book. "D-dream! Hey! What are you doing here?! Arent you clocking in later today?"

Dream smiled at him giggling. "it is time for me to clock in silly!" Dream pointed to the clock about the door to the station.

Cross felt embarrassed  that he didn't know it was time for dream to clock in. "Hey um maybe after work wanna go get coffee or something?" He asked in a shy tone. 

Dream pats his shoulder and smiles. "Sure I would love to Cross." He looked at his desk before walking way to talk to Ink. 

good job Cross you asked your crush out on a date! A DATE?!! Well this cant go wrong can it?  he thought to himself. 

Not long after Cross thought to himself the alarm went off and he was in the car ready to deal with Nightmares Mafia....



Killer was smiling playing with his knifes waiting for his boss to show up. 

Nightmare came in the room growling. "Alright boys listen up. its time to get going on this mission. we need want to rule this city right?" 

Killer and the other bad sans smiled cheering and helping come up with ideas on how to get DT City to be theirs. 

"We have to take out the police forces, remember my brother leads it and he hasn't shown mercy to locking you all up. " 

"I can go after the police force boss" Killer said proudly. "I can even bring your brother to you~" 

Nightmare was pleased by this and agreed with killer. "Very well the rest of you will back him up. Don't disappoint me boys." 

All the bad sans smiled and agreed to follow killers lead....... 



Hey guys thats where Im going to end it for today I hope you all enjoyed the  first part of the story so fair and I'll see you all next time! love you all so much! 


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