The meeting

33 0 0

* Swear words

* weapons

* fighting and violence


Cross pointed his gun at the target and shoot 3 times




Ink came into the room with a smile. "nice shot Cross. trying to impress dream~" He teased.

Cross Blushed a bit. " No just want to get my practice in we don't know much about Dream's brothers crew. and I want to make sure I can keep everyone safe you know?"

Ink smirked. "yeah to bad it was a false alarm yesterday and someone didn't actually spot them."  he put his hands on his head leaning on the door frame.  

Cross sighed he had a bad feeling that they where being watched...but shrugged it off. 

The alarm when off again. 

Ink jumped. "Well shit! lets go!" 

Cross grabbed his gun and put it in his hustler he then put on his bullet proof vest and  followed ink to the cars. 



Killer growled at dust and horror. "you guys are going to get us caught!" He snapped at them. 

Dust was smoking and sighed. "whenever your in charge your always so bossy." 

Killer punched his shoulder. " that's because Im your boss right now and you both don't  listen!" 

Horror was eating some chicken while they where arguing. "you two argue to much." 

Killer lead them to the station to spy on dream when he noticed Cross and Ink going to the car. "where are they going?" 

"Probably to the distraction boss set up."  Dust puffed more smoke into killers face. 

Killer was getting annoyed  with Dust and swatted at him. "Cut it out dipshit!" 

"Guys Cops!" Horror turned both there attention to Ink and cross who where coming there way.

Killer growled. "Fuck! lets go now!" He grabbed Horror and Dusts arm leading them way from Cross and ink. 



Cross looked to the cigarette  bud on the ground with suspicion. "Hey ink do you know anyone who smokes on the forces?" 

Ink looked at the bud. "No maybe Unlust? but other than that no." 

Cross followed the trail of ash left from the smoke. "I'll be back..." 

Ink looked confused. " Hey want about the mission?!!" 

Cross didn't listen to him he just followed the scent of the smoke to where killer dust and horror where hiding. 



Killer smacked Dust in the face knocking the last cigarette out of his mouth. "your going to get us caught if you keep smoking Dust!" 

Dust punched killer in the jaw. "No Im not Im sure lots of people smoke around here!" 

Horror sighed not knowing what to do. 

Cross heard the commotion  and separated  the bushes where the 3 where camping out. "HEY AU POLICE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" 

"Shit!"Killer tried to open a portal back to their base but Cross grabbed his arm. 

Dust and Horror made a run for it. 

"Hey!" Cross shouted at them still holding on to killer. "I recognize you! you work for the Mafia!" 

ok killer act dumb don't let him know you work for nightmare. He thought to himself. 

"ummmmmmm no I don't......" Killer tried to act innocent but it wasn't going well for him. 

"I'm taking you in for questioning." Cross cuffed killer as he cursed under his breath.

"Stupid cops...." 



hello my lovelys I hope you enjoyed this part of the story I will have more for you all soon! Bye! 


Cross x Killer  Love story Cop x CrookWhere stories live. Discover now