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❝Even Ground❞

San Antonio, Texas

Moira remained seated in the precinct's reception area, her hands nestled within the sleeves of her father's borrowed hoodie. Goosebumps pricked her arms as the biting cold from the building seeped into her skin. Her gaze flickered restlessly between the peeling paint on the walls and the stern-faced officers passing by, their footsteps echoing in the sterile environment.

Beside her, just as quiet as she was, were her parents, their thumbs fidgeting and their breaths trembling. Since their arrival at the police station, Moira barely exchanged any words with the pair; Janice and Glenn spoke only to intervene when the officers took Moira's statement, ensuring she wasn't overwhelmed by the barrage of questions about the missing Comcast technician.

It had been over two hours since Moira gave her statement, and they had spent a total of four hours at the precinct. Time dragged on slowly, each minute adding to the weight of the unknown. The day had completely worn down Moira's composure and patience. She hadn't faced this much exposure in years, and the influx of people, questions, and continuous buzz inside the precinct left her mentally drained.

Throughout the morning, she had been shuffling between the reception area and several secure interrogation rooms. Eventually, she was informed that she needed to speak with the detective in charge of the technician's disappearance case before she could be completely cleared.

Footsteps approached, and Moira's heart skipped a beat as a middle-aged man settled in front of them. His sharp, unreadable expression flared briefly with what seemed like an attempt at a smile before he turned his attention to her parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Neverson," he greeted, his voice steady and professional. He extended a callous hand to the married couple and introduced himself as Detective Roy Himber. Moira watched as her father and mother shook the detective's hand, their faces etched with concern and a hint of hope.

"I'd like to thank you for coming in promptly and for your cooperation," Detective Himber began, his voice measured. "Based on Moira's statement and the limited evidence we've gathered so far, we cannot name her as a suspect in the disappearance of Mr. Reese Darnley."

Moira's parents visibly relaxed at the detective's words, her mother audibly sighing with relief while her father nodded silently beside her. Moira herself felt a weight lift from her shoulders, grateful that she was no longer under immediate suspicion.

"However," Detective Himber continued, his tone turning slightly more serious, "that doesn't mean Moira is entirely in the clear. Until we locate the technician and resolve this case, I'll need Moira to remain available in case we have further questions or need her assistance."

Moira's nerves prickled at that. She hadn't expected to be completely free of the police's scrutiny, but the reality of potentially being called in again made her uneasy. She nodded hesitantly, her emotions churning beneath a mask of composure.

Detective Himber's gaze on Moira was assessing and unwavering. "Thank you for your understanding," he said. "We're doing everything we can to find out what happened to the technician, and your cooperation is crucial in this investigation."

Moira couldn't look the man in the eye. His words, though not meant to intimidate her she hoped, felt like a personal accusation. It was clear they were set on uncovering the truth about the technician's disappearance, and if she was involved in any way, they would pursue her relentlessly.

With that, Detective Himber excused himself, leaving Moira and her parents to absorb the impact of his words.

As they drove home from the police station, tension hung heavy in the air of the car. Moira stared out her window, her gaze fixed on the passing streetlights and her mind racing with thoughts she couldn't articulate. She couldn't shake that haunting feeling of unease, knowing that despite not being a suspect, she still remained connected to the technician's disappearance.

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