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"I have to go to kings landing" you started as you walked into Cregan's' solar. It had been a week since the letter announcing your younger brother Viserys return, and you had not stopped asking to go.

"And you shall" Cregan spoke, looking up from his papers, "but after we are wed"

You were set to marry in a matter of days. You understood the need to be wed before leaving and yet waiting to see your brother after believing he was dead was pure torture.

You were desperate to see him, all you wanted was to hug him once more and tell him how sorry you were.

But duty came first.

The lords of the north were growing angsty with how long it was taking for you and Cregan to marry.

The alliance between your houses was sure to benefit the north, and until you were married, said agreements and benefits had yet to happen. And with the winter approaching the lords were growing antsy.

"of course," you looked down, nervously playing with your fingers. "I am just eager to see my brothers and with the journey set to take a month-"

"I understand, I do, but my hands are tied" he interrupted, looking at you with understanding, "I promise, the day after our wedding we will leave"

"perhaps we could take Silverwing?" you asked hopeful, the journey would take around a day, if they rode fast, at the most three days.

"i- im not-"

"I promise its safe, and you have ridden Silverwing before." He had, on your first visit to Winterfell. He had been hesitant then too, but you had somehow manged to drag him onto Silverwing and flown around the north for hours.

"aye, but this would be different" he said rubbing the back of his neck, "your brother has sent a letter...requesting me to become hand of the king"

you smiled "so we would be staying?"

"yes...this also means I will be having to take a large number of my household, and... though Sara shall act as the lady of Winterfell in my stead, once you are with child you will...have to return...without me, and take over the ruling of Winterfell until I am released as hand"

you were at a loss for words, this past moon you had felt lighter, the days of rotting in your bed, finding no reason to get up, having no energy to eat.

The empty hollowness you had felt for months on end has been filled, all with the help of Cregan. And now to find out that the second you got pregnant you would be shipped of and most likely never be able to return to your brothers.

You knew that there should always be a stark in Winterfell, and that their children would rule it one day, but you did not want to live in Winterfell without him.

You relied on him, in a near unhealthy way. You were often with him, in the library, or in his solar. You had already taken on the duties as Lady of Winterfell. You had liked having responsibilities, found you were good at it. But the main part of it that you liked, was that it was all with him. The friendship you once had had returned, though with trepidation as you had a first still felt empty.

You still felt the loss of your twin. Your other half. Without him you feared you would always feel incomplete, and yet Cregan had somehow manged to fill the void the death of your twin, of Luke and Joffrey.

You felt like you could so easily love him, but now. Now a part of you resented putting this off for so long, only to know discover that you time with Cregan may be a few months or stolen moments every year.

Your mind went back to last week.

You had spent the day in each other's company, sat in his solar as he answered letters, and you had read.

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