1st February 2024 ( CHP 30)

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"Lets play the game.Anne?"

Anne's pov--

What the-..who whisper in my ears.? I kept my eyes closed.i was scared as I might catch something evil..? Did someone really whisper or it's just my illusion..?
Just thinking this my head start to hurts..
15 mins went...30 mins went..45 mins...went and I kept my eyes closed..I was scared..so much..being in one position..was hurting me..I tried to move myself a bit..I change the position and turn to my right side..I thought to peak..a little with my eyes ..There was someone.. sitting on chair..with legs folded..it was not clear..who was I was sure it wasn't my parents..so who?

He was just on right side of the counter which was just near my bed

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He was just on right side of the counter which was just near my bed..hardly 3 to 4 feet till he was their..the lamp was still on but the face was still not clearly visible..It can only hardly noticeable that he was thinking something..looks like he didn't find out I wakeup ..

It was hardly 1 hour ago I turned my front to right..just to make sure he didn't caught me..but he still didn't moved.is he asleep?

"Goodmorning anne..looks like you wake up.."

What? did he find out..? And good morning? Not even morning yet..


I couldn't speak anything as I was scared..

"Dont worry I not going to kill you anne.."
As he spoke that he get up from his chair and was now heading towards me..as he came forward..he face was now clearly visible..It was.Micheal.

"Why-y you are here..!"
I raised my voice on purpose so just my parents should be awake ..but it failed .
He suddenly put his hand on my mouth making me to stop the loud voice which I was causing..

'Shhh-...shut up anne..don't speak or else their throat with be cut off.."
What the-
"Good, looks like you will be quite now..so..? Are you thinking why am I here..?"

No..no bitch..I don't need answer I just wanna kill you..

"K speak something..or .. farewell to your par-"

How will I idiot..? You put your fucking hands on my mouth..

"Oh sorry ..I will remove my hands ..hahah"

Not funny either..

"No , don't.."

"K as you speak ..now listen to me..don't tell to anyone..or else..?"

"I wil- not-t.."


Did he just..smirk.?

♥⁠╣⁠[An Unconditional Feelings (Part -1)]⁠╠⁠♥ x ChIldHoODWhere stories live. Discover now