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Soon panic is arising and words are being thrown around about what's happening, the ship has halted completely.

Wilbur is standing there with Quackity feeling half frozen on the deck.

"We're sinking!" someone screams breaking the chatter. People start to cry out in fear all around as the reality hits them right in the face.

Crew are starting to pull out lifeboats,

"Woman and children first!"

People are crowding all around, yells and panicked talking all around.

Quackity buries his face in Wilbur's coat.

"I can't swim well... I can't..." He whispers, "we can't be sinking..."

He feels sick to his stomach, Karl and Sapnap were right, the unsinkable ship was all talk, it wasn't what he thought it was.

He quickly puts his hands to his ears feeling that he has the earrings that Wilbur gave him on. The ring from Foolish is still in his pocket.
He is standing right here with Wilbur.

If he dies tonight... he dies with everything he ever needed beside him.

"They say water is coming in fast..." Wilbur murmurs to him holding him close.

The hill of the ship suddenly creaks, Quackity tries not to scream. People are boarding the lifeboats as fast as they can while him and Wilbur haven't tried yet.

It's probably no use with all the crowds anyway, they will have to wait.

Suddenly Quackity hears a little cry,

"Help! Mom!"

He shoots up starting to push through the crowd instantly as he recognizes that the voice is a child's.
There's a little girl standing among the crowd holding a well loved stuffed animal close, she's looking around in fright.

"Hey! Are you ok?" Quackity calls out to her as he nears, "are your parents in the lifeboat?"

She runs over to him,

"Help I lost mom! I'm scared" she's shaking like a leaf.

"Shh, it's ok, I'll help you" Quackity picks her up, she's light, can't be older than 6.
He starts to scan the deck spotting the lifeboats, he starts to push his way through the crowd as the little girl clings to him.

"Quackity?" he hears Wilbur's voice call behind him.

"Mom!" the little girl suddenly points to a woman looking around in panic.

Quackity hurries over and sets the little girl down near her mother who turns relief flooding her gaze.

"Oh my god, thank you so much" she grabs her daughters hand smiling at him.

"Of course" Quackity replies.

"You're like an angel mister" the little girl says to him.

"Thank you..." Quackity whispers, his eyes are pricking with tears. He's not sure he's even gonna live after tonight.

He sees the little girl and her mother safely board the lifeboat before he's soon shoved back into the crowd by people passing.

"Quackity!" Wilbur finds him, his arms wrapping around the shorter male.

"Anything new?" Quackity whispers.

"They called for help but it's an hour away" Wilbur murmurs, "there isn't enough lifeboats for everyone..."

"It's ok, it's ok" Quackity closes his eyes to shut out the pure chaos on the deck. He stands there huddled with Wilbur.

"We could just jump..." Wilbur murmurs, "see if we could make it to a lifeboat before we freeze."

"We won't survive a minute" Quackity whispers back.

The lifeboats are leaving with not even enough people on them. Quackity starts to feel as if the deck of the ship is starting to slant... he looks behind discovering they are indeed tilting.

"-Wilbur what's happening..." He asks.

"The back end is going down" Wilbur whispers, he keeps Quackity held close to him as some people start to scream as they notice.

"Foolish" Quackity gasps as he remembers, Foolih has to get on a lifeboat. He pulls away from Wilbur's arms,

"Foolish!" he calls searching for where the man is standing with the crew.

"Quackity what are you doing, you should be trying to get in a lifeboat!" Foolish pushes through the crowd to meet him.

"Come with me!" Quackity grabs his wrist trying to pull him back over to Wilbur.

"I can't, I'm crew" he replies.

Quackity's heart stops for a moment,

"No," he says, "no... no..."

"Go Quackity, you have an actual chance" Foolish tells him.

Quackity slowly turns away, the cold wind is nipping at his already numb face.

"I'm gonna get all the children on" he says.

"What..?" Foolish asks.

"Im gonna make sure all the children get on the lifeboats" Quackity repeats, "help me." He then goes back into the crowd Wilbur and Foolish following behind.
They start to round up kids on board, the ones lost from their families, leading them to the lifeboats.

Some of the crew is putting on a final show, all the lifeboats are off the ship now. It's kinda beautiful. Quackity looks back realizing it's almost the end, the deck slanting more.

"You shoulda got on the lifeboat" Foolish says staring at him sadly.

"I'd rather die with you two" Quackity replies, he takes Wilbur's outstretched hand.

Suddenly he realizes he's about to lose his footing and plunge into the icy water with everyone else. He feels his hand slip from Wilbur's and he screams as he free falls off the deck.

The water envelopes him, his body goes numb with shock instantly and he can't move, breathe or see. Bubbles erupt around him and he kicks furiously as the shock wears off already starting to lose feeling.

No... No...

He knows it's no use

"Help!" he screams underwater.

Suddenly someone else plunges into the water next to him, arms grab him trying to pull him up.

"W-Wilbur" he manages his teeth chattering like crazy as he breaks the surface, he can barely see the shape of a lifeboat near.

"I got you, stay awake" Wilbur says, "please stay awake."

He starts to swim twords the lifeboat pulling Quackity with him. The shorter male feels like he's slipping away, suddenly there's more arms grabbing him heaving him into the lifeboat. He gasps for breath his vision blurring.

"Wilbur..." He says horsely.

"I'm here..." the reply comes.

He passes out.

Titanic - A Tnt Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now