Train journey

592 46 126


We got ready to leave

We reached the station, i started searching for our seats . But it turned out that we had 1 couple couch for 2 people and 1 in another coach

Daksh:What? grandma why is ur seat not with us?

Grandma: i don't know i asked vedant to book the tickets *she spoke looking here and there*

Daksh:This vedant!!! But grandma we can't leave you alone

Aditi: yeah .. let's do one thing grandma and i will take this coach and you can go to grandma's coach

I nodded feeling sad

Grandma: who said i'll be alone there
My friends are there too . Who are going with me

Daksh: But grandma~

Grandma: no buts i want to spend some time with my friends and yoh should also spend time with ur wife
You both are married couple now stop acting like stragers😤

*my face became red*

Grandma: I will be in the next coach only

Daksh: oo-okay

I went to drop her in her coach

Ooh god half of the day and whole night alone!!! In a coach . Wouldn't it be awkward for her? Not for me though 🌚

Control ur filthy thoughts daksh!

I entered our coach and closed the door

She was looking out of the window, so I thought to sit infront of her
Damn why is it soo awkward like I know we live in a same room but everytime I'm with her I keep getting these strange feelings it feels so new
She was looking at the sky and her eyes Were shining

Daksh: do you like looking at the sky? *I asked*

Aditi:yeah I love it , it clears my mind and make My heart feel at ease

*I nodded*

Aditi: What do you like ?
*she asked still looking out*

Daksh: I like looking at you *I said in a lower tone*

Aditi: huh?*She shifted her eyes towards me*

Daksh: a..b well I've never thought about this

Aditi: but why ? Don't you like to do anything to makes you feel good and mind fresh ?

Daksh: *I shook my head*

Aditi: too bad , u know i like playing chess , have you played before?

Daksh: yeah i have but im not good at it

Aditi : do you want to play with me

Daksh: but~

Aditi:ah don't worry i'll teach you

Daksh: okay let's play

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