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I kept my on leg on the seat to reach the shelf just when my foot slipped and I fell
With the bag
Bag was about to hit my head when a hand covered me

After some sec I realised I fell on daksh's lap 💀
And his hand protectively covered my head

I opened my eyes just to see his eyes already looking in mine , our face were dangerously close , my hands were grasping his shirt tightly

His one hand was on my head and one on my shoulders ,

His eyes are so intense I can't look at him any longer
Why isn't he looking away?
I looked down not being able to hold the eye contact

*Suddenly the train stopped *Making our heads collide

And I realised what position we were in , so I quickly stood up from his lap

He too stood up fixing his shirt

Daksh: Are you okay?*he said looking everywhere but me*

Aditi: h...mm * I too couldn't look at him*

*someone knocked*

Aditi: I guess Grandma is here

*he nodded *

We got off the train and headed towards Daksh's village house

Soon we reached there , Everybody came to welcome us , (his extended family I guess)


It's been already some time after that moment but my heart is still stuck on her eyes

It's been already some time after that moment but my heart is still stuck on her eyes

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Her eyes ~
The way she looks at me shyly and then look away immediately

Whenever she looks away i just want to hold her chin softly and make her look at me again and never look away

*my chain of thoughts got interrupted by the voices of my relatives *As we entered the house ,

I'm actually not a fan of them as they never use to respect my mother, the are very conservative
we sat on the sofa after taking everyone's blessings
Idk why everyone was giving weird looks to Aditi

And there comes my Grandma's sister in law (jethani) my badi dadi

Grandma went and hugged her

Grandma: daksh , Aditi come and take blessings of badi dadi

Her Replaced husbandWhere stories live. Discover now