Finally we reached home * I yawned *
What a adventures journey it wasDaksh nodded shifting towards sofa
Daksh: yeah I forgot to tell you next week we've to go to a wedding of my very good friend
Reyansh he's getting married to his childhood love
Aditi: wow they must've have been so cute right
Daksh: yeah, So will you go with me?
Aditi: will you take me?
Daksh: off course
Aditi: okay sir( I did a selute pose with my one eyes open)
But can I sleep now?He laughed at my action then nodded
Next day
Tell me daksh where are we going
Daksh:Its surprise
Yesterday we came after so much traveling and today again?
Just tell me already I don't have patienceDaksh: were almost there
I was looking out of the window but soon I was able to recognise the area and my heartbeat fastened
Aditi: are we going to my~
Daksh: Your house
I gulped the thick lump of my throat
Aditi: L-let's let's go back home we're not going anywhere
I don't wanna go there *I spoke stuttering *Daksh: but Aditi you've to face them one day escaping from them won't make everything alright , you've to sort things out with your parents
Aditi: No no I don't wanna face them let's go back
Daksh: but why Aditi have you done anything wrong?
I shook my head
Daksh:Then why are you scared?
Aditi: They don't want to see my face*I spoke my voice breaking *
I was stopping him but deep inside I was dying to meet my parents my brother but mom told me not to come here again
Will she talk to me ?
Will she accept me again?*the car stopped *
Daksh: were here
Aditi: I Don't want to go, please
I'm scared
My hands started shivering and my vision was almost blurry because of tearsDaksh: Don't worry I'm with you
*he said caressing my hands *Let's go

Her Replaced husband
RomanceThe One she loved left her a day before her marriage The ones she cared humiliated her,despised her and blamed her for everything but what will happen when she will be forced to marry a mere stranger Aditi Sharma a 24 year old aspiring CA an ambiv...