~that feeling again.~

7 0 0

At home, Nene and Emu are sleeping, as Tsukasa knocks and comes into Ruis room

Tsukasa: can I come in?

Rui: ah! Tsukasa!

*Rui drops his screwdriver, jumping*

Rui: don't just come in like that.. But.. You can.

*Tsukasa sits down next to Rui, looking down*

Tsukasa: u-uhm.. I had a scary nightmare..

Rui: .. Uhm.. So.. Do you wanna sleep with me? I mean.. You aren't gonna cuddle with me or anything, ri-

*Tsukasa sleeps on Ruis shoulder, passed out already*

Tsukasa: ... Zzzz...

Rui: oh.

Rui: (I can't just let him sleep here.. His neck Is gonna hurt..)

*Rui carries Tsukasa bridal style to his bed, and tucks him in*

Rui: (now.. Where am I gonna sleep..)

*Rui looks around, and looks back at Tsukasa and the bed, lying down next to Tsukasa*

Rui: .. Goodnight, kasa.

|•137 words!•|

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