~What is this feeling..?~

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*Suddenly, Rui hears a thud coming from tsukasas room.. Rui knocks on Tsukasas door, confused*

Rui: Tsukasa? Are you alright?

Tsukasa: rgh... Yeah. I'm.. Fine..

Rui: .. Can I come in..?

Tsukasa: Wait, no, I'm changing.

Rui: ah..

*Rui waits patiently for Tsukasa to open the door, and let him in*

Tsukasa: alright, come in!

*Rui opens Tsukasas door, and sits on his mini couch*

Rui: your room is.. Way much more clean than mine.

Tsukasa: I'm assuming it's because you build robots all the time.

Rui: I guess.

*Rui stands up, getting ready to leave Tsukasas room, but when he reached for the door knob..*

Tsukasa: wait! Dont go..!

*Tsukasa hugs Rui from behind, stopping him from leaving*

Rui: T-Tsukasa..! You almost made me fall!-


Tsukasa: can we stay like this for a while..? You're warm and comforting..

Rui: i.. Don't mind.

Five warm minutes pass by, and Tsukasa slowly lets go.

Rui: you done?

Tsukasa: mhm.. Thanks.

Rui: alright, I'm going to go wake up Nene.

*Rui proceeds to leave the room, getting butterflies by what just happened*

Rui: (what is this.. Feeling..?)

Nene: Rui? What are you doing up so early..?

Rui: ... Uhm.. Aha.. That's what I was gonna ask you..!

Nene: you.. Aren't a great liar.

Rui: really! I was!

Nene: alright. I'll believe you.

Rui: ...

Rui: (why can't I move..? It's like.. My body isn't letting me..)

Nene: you.. Ok..?

Rui: yeah. I'm fine.

*Rui moves his leg, and let's out a sigh of relief.*

Rui: I was just gonna wake you up!

Nene: really?

Rui: yeah.

*Ruis heart skips a beat as Tsukasa runs out of his room*

Tsukasa: RUI!

|•277 Words!•|

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