~Suprise at Sunrise~

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Next day, Emu burst through the door, scaring the absolute hell out of the both of the guys on the bed


Nene: we have.. A busy day ahead of us.

*Rui groans, putting a hand on his forehead*

Rui: couldn't you have picked a later schedule..?

Tsukasa: what are we doing today?

Emu: er.. We wanted to ask if.. Maybe we could do something.. All of us... Together?

Tsukasa: you mean like.. A date!?

Rui: huh?

*Tsukasa and Rui are of course in shock, this was last minute, after all. As silence fills the room, Nene walks over to them*

Nene: so.. What do you think?

Rui: .. I don't see why not.

Tsukasa: a star never turns down such an invite! ☆

Nene: does.. That mean yes in you language?

Tsukasa: .. Yeah.

Emu: YAY!

*Emu jumps up and down, her eyes lighting up the room with her joy, as always*

Emu: we should get ready!

*Emu runs to her closet, changing*

*Rui gets up, standing above Tsukasa*

Rui: we should do the same, hm~?

*Rui offers his hand to Tsukasa, as he takes it and nods, sitting up,*

Tsukasa: yeah. We should.

|•196 Words!•|

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