Chapter 4

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He raises an eyebrow, looking back and forth between Rose and the woman. He remains quiet for a moment before standing up and approaching the door. "Rose, who is this?" *He asks in a low voice, a hint of caution in his tone.

uh babe this is my mother..." she says with a little bit of shame in her voice. her hand pointing to her mother.

He pauses for a moment, taking in the new information. He looks back at the woman, sizing her up before turning his gaze back to Rose. He can see the shame in her eyes and it bothers him. "Why didn't you tell me she was coming?"

"I didn't know she was coming especially here..." she says. "she can just find where I am it's pretty weird, but that's a mother for you."

He nods slowly, understanding the situation. He looks back at Rose's mother with a mix of wariness and resignation. "It's fine. We'll talk inside." He steps aside to let her in, his posture stiff and guarded as he watches her enter the apartment. "Close the door behind you,"

roses mother comes in looking around the apartment.

He follows her gaze around the apartment, a faint hint of defensiveness rising within him. He knows this place isn't much, but it's his sanctuary now. He clears his throat. "Make yourself at home, Mrs...?" He trails off, waiting for her to fill in the blanks.

"Renessamei." Roses mother answers.

He nods curtly, his expression unreadable. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Renessamei." He looks back at Rose, his eyes searching hers. "Why are you here?" The question is blunt, his patience wearing thin.

"I just came to see my little rose petal, for a visit. and you are?" Mrs.Renessamei asks him.

His eyes narrow slightly at the nickname for Rose, his jaw clenching. He knows she means well, but it still stings. "I'm Riley." He answers curtly, not offering any more information than necessary. He turns back to Rose.

"nice to meet you Riley." Mrs. Renessamei puts out her hand to shake his.

He hesitates for a moment before grasping her hand, his grip firm but brief. He doesn't like physical contact, especially with someone he doesn't know well. He releases her hand quickly. "Likewise." He says, his tone distant. "Can we sit down?"

"I'll let you two get to know eachother." rose says letting them be.

He nods, moving to sit on the couch with a heavy sigh. The weariness in his eyes is palpable as he tries to relax his tense posture. "Rose, can I have a minute with you alone first?" His voice is low, tinged with a hint of pleading.

Rose looks at her mother then replies. "yes of course."

Riley stands up and follows Rose to the kitchen, his limp more noticeable as he walks. He leans against the counter, wincing slightly as he puts pressure on his wound. "Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but I need you to hear me out."

"babe, it's my mother." rose says.

His gaze flickers to Rose, a flash of frustration in his eyes. "Don't call me that." He says through gritted teeth, his voice low and rough. "Not here, not now." He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Just listen to me, please."

"I'm listening." she says confused.

He looks down at his hands, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "I messed up, Rose. I thought I could handle it all on my own, but I can't. I need you." His voice is thick with emotion and regret.

"what happend." she says with a little anger in her voice.

He flinches slightly at her tone, but pushes on. "I got in too deep. I should have walked away when I had the chance, but I didn't. And now I'm paying for it." He looks up at her, his eyes full of pain and regret.

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