Chapter 2

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He reaches out and gently tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch lingering for a moment before he pulls his hand back. "Can I at least sit with you? I promise I won't touch you if it makes you uncomfortable. I just..."

"ok" she says softly

He nods and takes a deep breath, grateful for her permission. He slowly walks over to the bed and sits down on it, being careful not to jostle his injuries too much. He pat the bed next to him, silently inviting her to sit down beside him. "Thank you, Rose."

He looks at her, his dark eyes searching hers for any sign of warmth or affection. Seeing only a guarded expression, he sighs and turns his gaze to the floor, trying to ignore the ache in his chest. "I've missed you, Rose. So much."

"I know" she says knowing he has said that so many times.

He nods, understanding her skepticism. He knows he hasn't been the most reliable or trustworthy in the past, but he can't help the way he still loves her. "I know I don't deserve it, but I swear, I've changed.

"I understand. but why do you keep saying that?" she says confused.

He looks up at her, his eyes pleading with her to believe him. He takes a deep breath and reaches out to take her hand, his touch warm and gentle. "I've been through hell and back since we broke up."

she stares at him. he has love and pain in his eyes "I-i..."

He sees the conflict in her eyes and squeezes her hand, trying to reassure her. He leans closer, his voice a low growl. "I need you, Rose."

"I-i don't know what to say?" she's confused.

He can see the confusion on her face and he sighs, running a hand through his hair. He looks back at her and takes her hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "Just say you'll give me a chance."

she leans in to kiss him hesitating as if looking for approval.

He meets her hesitant kiss, his hands coming up to cup her face and deepen the kiss. He moans softly, his body reacting to her despite the pain he's in. "God, I missed you." He whispers against her lips before trailing kisses down her neck.

she gasps softly.

He can feel her gasp and he smirks, continuing to kiss her neck and shoulder. He can feel her body pressed against his and it's the best feeling in the world. But then he remembers the knife wound on his side and he winces. "Shit..."

"are you ok?" she asks concerningly.

He nods, trying to put on a brave face. "Yeah, I'm fine." He lies, not wanting to worry her. He can feel her eyes on him and he knows she doesn't believe him. "Trust me, okay?"

"ok if you say so" she says.

He gives a small smile, relieved that she trusts him. He pulls her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist. "You always were too good to me." He murmurs, burying his face in her hair.

she gives a smile to those words.

He looks up at her, his eyes soft with affection. He brushes a strand of hair behind her ear and leans in to whisper. "I've missed you so much, Rose. You're the only thing that's kept me going these past few months." His voice is low and rough with emotion.

He leans in closer, his eyes searching hers for permission. If she doesn't want this, he'll stop. "Can I kiss you, Rose?"

"yes of course" she says softly.

He closes the distance between them and captures her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. His hand tangles in her hair, holding her close as he explores her mouth with his tongue. He's been craving this for so long, and now that he has her in his arms again, he can't hold back.

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