Chapter 6 (a long chapter)

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The next morning, Riley is sitting in the waiting room, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. He's been here for hours, waiting for news about Rose, and his patience is wearing thin. "Fuck," he mutters under his breath, running a hand through his messy hair.

A doctor come out of roses room. "sir we have news."

Riley jumps to his feet as soon as he sees the doctor, his heart racing. "Is she okay? Can I see her?" He asks urgently, his eyes pleading.

"after her complications we had trouble trying to stabilize her but she kept crashing. I'm sorry for your loss we did everything we could." the doctor says.

Riley's legs give out from under him as he hears the doctor's words. He falls to his knees, his eyes filling with tears. "No," he whispers, shaking his head. "This can't be happening. I just saw her yesterday. She was fine."

"I'm so sorry sir."

Riley's heart is shattering into a million pieces. He can't believe she's gone. He'm crying uncontrollably now and he looks up at the doctor with a broken look. "Can I see her? Please?" * he begs, his voice trembling.

"yes. follow me." the doctor goes to roses room.

Riley follows the doctor, his legs feeling heavy. He feels like he's in a nightmare that he can't wake up from. When they reach the room, he hesitates for a moment before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

rose is just laying there lifeless and so, so pale.

Riley's heart stops when he sees her lying there, so still and so pale. He rushes to her side, dropping to his knees beside the bed. He takes her hand in his, his own shaking uncontrollably. "Rose,"he whispers, his voice barely audible. He leans over her, pressing his lips to her cold, still ones. Tears are streaming down his face now, and he's making no effort to hide them. "Please don't leave me. I need you. I love you."

"she left you this note just in case she didn't make it through the night." The doctor hands him the note.

Riley takes the note, his hands shaking as he reads it. He can hardly believe what he is reading. She had known she might not make it, and she had written him a goodbye letter. He feels his heart break all over again. He looks at her, his eyes filled with tears. he wakes up realizing it was just a nightmare.

Riley's eyes snap open, and he sits up, looking around the room in panic. When he realizes that it was just a dream, he lets out a shaky breath. He wipes at his tears roughly, hating how weak he still is over her.

Rose just lays there on the hospital bed looking at the ceiling.

Riley slowly walks into the hospital room, his eyes on her as he quietly closes the door behind him. He knows that she is hurt, and he knows that it's his fault. He takes a deep breath before walking over to her bed, sitting down in the chair beside her.

she doesn't speak or look at him.

Riley watches her, wanting to touch her so badly. To comfort her. He clears his throat softly, hoping that she will look at him. When she doesn't, he sighs and leans back in the chair.

"I don't wanna feel like this any more." Rose says quietly.

Riley's heart aches when he hears her and he quietly speaks up, his voice pained. "I know, princess. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... But please, just talk to me..."

She turns over. her back facing Riley.

Riley feels a pang of hurt at her turning away, but he tries not to show it. He knows she's still angry at him, and he can't blame her. He's angry at himself too. He looks down, his knuckles white as he grips the armrests of the chair.

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