6. The Night Forest

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The chill wind whistled in Elizabeth's ears as they rode. She wrapped herself in her cloak and pulled the hood lower for warmth. Clutching the horse's mane, she feared falling at each uneven patch of ground. Both she and Dan were inexperienced riders. Observing their struggle, William offered guidance to quicken their pace.

"I didn't realise you've never ridden a horse before," he said. "It's considerably slowing our journey."

But with William's help, Elizabeth relaxed, savouring the sensation of the wind against her face and the rhythmic pounding of the horse's hooves on the ground. Although far from comfortable, her enjoyment grew. She looked up at the star-filled sky, experiencing a freedom she hadn't felt for a long time. For a moment, she forgot the dangers, enjoying the ride. Yet, as the village faded into the distance and the unknown loomed ahead, her initial apprehension returned.

"Sir William, where are we going?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"To a safe place."

"But where is that? Can you tell us anything more?"

"I'm afraid I can't," he said firmly. "You'll understand soon enough."

Elizabeth sighed, turning her attention to the path ahead, focusing on the ride while attempting to steady her pounding heart.

As the night wore on, the stars faded against the brightening sky, giving way to the soft pastels of dawn. Ahead, the dark silhouettes of trees loomed, their skeletal branches reaching skyward like claws. William steered his horse towards the forest to avoid the main road, where someone might see them. He didn't want unnecessary encounters or the questions that might arise.

However, there was a subtle shift in his demeanour, a flicker of indecision in his eyes as he contemplated entering the forest. Both paths seemed to hold their dangers, and the knight had to choose the lesser.

But then, he unexpectedly altered their course. "It's still dark there. We'll stay on the main road until the sun rises."

Later, as the first rays of sunlight pierced the shadows, William guided his horse onto a trodden path within the forest. The path wound among the trees, vanishing into the unknown.

The knight navigated the labyrinthine forest paths with remarkable ease, turning decisively at each juncture. His familiarity with these woods was evident.

As dusk settled, weariness demanded a pause. They had to set up a temporary camp, kindling a fire to ward off the nocturnal chill.

"Are we really spending the night here? In the forest?" Dan asked.

"It's our only choice," came William's reply.

"You seemed against visiting the forest in the dark," Elizabeth said, looking puzzled, as William's actions contradicted his earlier stance.

"We're far from any settlement," the knight explained.

"Does that make sense?" Dan raised his brows.

"It does," their guide nodded, offering no further explanation.

"It does," their guide nodded, offering no further explanation

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