If you love the epic worldbuilding of LOTR, the dark intrigue of GoT, the gritty fantasy of The Witcher, and the romantic adventure of Outlander, then this story is for you! ⚔︎
He's a battle-hardened knight; she's from the modern world.
He has faced...
"It turns out humans are not welcome here." Dan couldn't resist making his remark as William led him and Elizabeth along the paved road away from King Eolan's palace. William was deeply preoccupied, contemplating the conversation with Eolan and his suggestion about a mysterious 'she'. But Dan's words snapped him back to the present.
"It's true," William replied. "But the fairies won't harm you. My brother Edward and his wife Niamh will be more than happy to welcome you."
"So, your brother married the fairy princess?" asked Elizabeth, her curiosity piqued. "How did the king allow such a union? It seems he's angry about that."
"It's a long story."
"I'd like to see them," she said.
"We're on our way to them now."
Elizabeth's eyes sparkled with anticipation. William had never mentioned his past or his family, only the existence of a brother. Otherwise, his personal life was still a mystery.
As they left behind the city, the road wound through verdant groves, following a cobblestone path. Soon, they found themselves surrounded by the countryside. Here, houses from wood blended with the greenery, some nestled within the mighty trunks of ancient trees.
Before long, they approached a grand, double-tiered house set within a colossal tree. Despite its location, it bore all the characteristics of a welcoming home. Surrounding it, colourful flowers thrived, their scents saturating the air. A lone lantern swung gently beside the door, while whimsical windows complemented the house's otherworldly appearance.
They dismounted, and William knocked at the wooden door adorned with floral carvings. As it groaned open, a woman of striking beauty stood on the threshold. Her large eyes, a brilliant green with golden sparks, made her appear slender and graceful, like all the fairies they had seen in this land. Golden hair with delicate flowers cascaded down to her waist. A gentle radiance emanated from her skin, giving her an ethereal charm. The green hue of her elegant dress mirrored the colour of her eyes.
Surprise flickered in her gaze upon seeing Dan and Elizabeth, strangers to her. The fairy froze momentarily, but her face lit up with recognition when she saw their companion.
"William! I'm so glad to see you. Come in!" She invited them with a wave of her hand.
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Inside, the house was even cosier. Wide wooden stairs stretched toward the second floor, and everywhere, homemade decorations and intriguing objects filled the space. All were crafted from natural materials: wood, grass, and stone.
From one room appeared a tall figure of a man. Unlike the other male fairies, he had facial hair, and his overall appearance was more grounded. There was no doubt he was human, and Elizabeth realised that the man standing before her was Edward, William's brother. He greeted William with a warm smile, his grey-green eyes shimmering with life.