41. The Eagle Claw

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The Order of the Lion gathered in a chamber deep within the castle, where banners bearing the Aradonian lion draped the walls. Noblemen, dressed in velvet, took their seats around a large oak table to discuss the kingdom's affairs. Throughout Aradon, the Order of the Lion was revered as a pillar of strength, where loyalty was not merely expected but demanded.

At the head of the assembly stood Garreth. "The Crown must remain strong!" he declared, his fist clenched for emphasis. The room fell silent, followed by quiet nods of approval. Sir Reynald, calm and composed, reinforced Garreth's call for loyalty and duty with a brief, pointed speech.

"Long live the king!" everyone exclaimed in unison.

When the formalities ended, most departed, leaving only Garreth, Reynald, and a few trusted brethren behind.

Without a word, Garreth led the remaining men to a wall covered with a heavy tapestry depicting the Aradonian lion. He pulled it aside, pressed a stone, and a hidden door slid open. They lit torches and entered a narrow corridor.

After a short descent, the group reached a sturdy wooden door. Garreth retrieved a key from beneath his cloak. The lock opened with a scrape of metal against metal. Beyond the door lay a smaller room with a plain round table in the centre and torches flickering against the cold stone. Once they were all inside, Garreth locked the door.

The men removed their signet rings, twisted them apart, and revealed small eagle claws hidden inside the familiar lion emblem. The claws were sharp, predatory, and clearly hostile. They placed these altered rings on the table, forming a circle. However, not all the places were filled. The men sat silently around the table, as if waiting for a signal or the arrival of someone not yet with them.

After a few tense minutes, the heavy door in the opposite wall creaked open, and several figures in shadowy robes stepped inside. Their faces remained hidden behind dark hoods.

The newcomers presented their signet rings to the guard at the entrance, each bearing the symbol of the eagle claw.

Their leader, a tall man, stood out due to his elaborate attire. His silver-embroidered cloak glimmered faintly in the dim light. With an air of authority, he took his place at the head of the table, pushing back his hood to reveal a strikingly noble and handsome face. His sharp features suggested a life well-lived, yet still in its prime. A short, neatly trimmed beard, flecked with grey, added to his air of solidity.

As he placed his ring on the table, his men did the same, revealing their faces and completing the circle with their rings.

"Sir Elmar," Garreth began, bowing respectfully to the leader, "we are honoured to have you at our meeting."

Elmar leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers before speaking. "Let us begin." His velvety, raspy voice carried effortlessly across the room, commanding attention without force.

Some of Garreth's men shifted in their seats, listening intently, their faces reflecting respect or fear toward the newcomers.

Sir Elmar's piercing grey eyes swept over the men, weighing their worth before locking onto Garreth's. "I suppose you know why I'm here. How is our affair with the Children of Origins?" His tone turned demanding, with a veiled threat beneath his casual inquiry.

Garreth, taken aback, fidgeted in his chair. "The situation... it's more complicated than we thought. William ran parallel investigations on his own." When Elmar frowned, Garreth hastily added, "I swear, I didn't know! I thought he was preoccupied with the bloodfiends."


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