part 2

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Shyrin was on the verge of hitting Ayzal, but before she could, Ayzal dashed away with her shake and collided with someone, causing it to spill all over him. His clothes and shoes were ruined.

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." Ayzal muttered in embarrassment, not daring to look up.

"Sorry my foot! I know you did this intentionally... I know girls like you very well," Jeong-gu hissed through gritted teeth, shoving her aside.

As Ayzal glanced up, she recognized him as Jeong-gu. Anger began to boil inside her.

"He doesn't seem real, like he came straight out of an anime... his sharp jaw, doe eyes making him look both hot and cute... every girl gawking at him like he's their prey."

("So, just to clarify for you guys, the male lead's name is Jeong-gu, and the female lead's name is Ayzal

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("So, just to clarify for you guys, the male lead's name is Jeong-gu, and the female lead's name is Ayzal.")

"Hey, I didn't do anything on purpose, okay? I said sorry, so why are you overreacting?" Ayzal retorted in one breath.

"Miss... clean my shoes right now. I don't have time for people like you," Jeong-gu pointed sharply.

"People like me, huh? I already apologized, now leave it," Ayzal shot back, trying to calm herself.

"Sorry my foot... clean my shoes, miss, or face the consequences," Jeong-gu growled, his anger escalating.

"Oppa, please stop." Liba tried to intervene, but Jeong-gu cut her off.

"Keep quiet, Liba, and stay out of this," Jeong-gu commanded.

Ayzal's anger surged. She had already apologized, but his arrogance was unbearable. The once peaceful canteen now gawked at her, intensifying her embarrassment. She clenched her fists, storming toward the nearest table. Grabbing a glass of water, she hurled it at his handsome face. He flinched, causing everyone to gasp in fear.

They knew him as Liba's brother and the university's new trustee, but unfortunately, Ayzal did not.

Jeong-gu stared at her with fire in his eyes, trembling with rage, his face turning red.

"You bloody..." Jeong began, seething with fury and clenching his fists.

"Shushuu, don't you dare say anything bad about me," Ayzal warned, pointing a finger at him.

Jeong remained silent, furious at being spoken to this way. He took Liba's hand and headed to the car, putting on his glasses. He opened the door, sat in the driver's seat, and slammed it shut.

"What's happening? Is this some kind of movie? No? Then get back to work," Ayzal declared, slinging her bags over her shoulder.

"Ayzal, what did you just do, you idiot? He's the new trustee... I'm worried about what he might..." Shyrin fretted, her face tense.

"Huhhhhh..... so WHAATTTTT? NOO....NOOOO..... WHAAATTT WHAATTTT? What did you just say? He's the new trustee? Hehehe, but who cares," Ayzal scoffed, rolling her eyes.

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