part 3

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After replying to Shyrin, Ayzal put her phone aside, turned off her room light, and drifted off to sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile, Jeong Gu was lost in thought because no one had ever spoken to him like this- not a single word uttered. He sat slumped in his chair, pondering deeply.

"Why am I thinking about this? When will that girl come in front of me? I'll make her suffer," he muttered to himself, his frustration evident. He contemplated her existence, filled with a desire for vengeance

Later, he got up from the chair, looking tired with every step. He went to bed and lay down on the left side, turning off all the lights around him. In the darkness, he hoped to find peace from his troubled thoughts.

**Time Skip**

Ayzal slept peacefully in her room until Mrs. Iqra entered, lifting the window curtain, and letting the bright morning sun stream in, disturbing Ayzal's sleep.

"Eomma,please let me sleep," Ayzal groaned, covering her face with a pillow.

"Ayzal, wake up quickly... otherwise, you'll be late for college," Mrs. Iqra said, gently ruffling her hair.

"What time is it, Mumma?" Ayzal asked, peering through one eye.

"It's 8:30," Mrs. Iqra replied.

"What?! Oh god, why didn't you wake me earlier?" Ayzal exclaimed, suddenly panicked, sitting up in bed.

"I've been trying to wake you for the last 30 minutes," Mrs. Iqra sighed.

"Oh please, I need to go pee and freshen up," Ayzal said, grabbing her slippers.

"Okay, go ahead... I'll start preparing breakfast for you," Mrs. Iqra said with a smile.

After freshening up, Ayzal descended the stairs with her bags, finding Mr. Daud and Mrs. Iqra already seated and having their lunch.

"Assalamualaikum," Ayzal greeted warmly, moving to give them both a hug.

"Wa alaikum assalam," Mr. Daud and Mrs. Iqra replied in unison, smiling at her.

"Mashallah, mashallah... you greeted us with salam. I'm very happy," Mr. Daud remarked with a smile, continuing to eat.

"Yeah... I don't know why eomma forces me to be religious. And I know if I don't say 'salam,' she'll definitely kill me this time, or I don't have time for it" Ayzal chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't say that," Mr. Daud chuckled back, while Mrs. Iqra focused on her food, seemingly lost in thought.

"By the way, where's Azlaan? I haven't seen him all morning," Ayzal inquired, genuinely curious.

"Azlaan has extra classes, so he left for college early," Mr. Daud explained between sips of water.

"Oh, okay. I have to go now, bye," Ayzal said, giving Mr. Daud a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, fi amanillah, princess," Mr. Daud responded warmly.

As Ayzal turned to leave, Mrs. Iqra suddenly stopped her.

"Wait... Ayzal, just because I haven't said anything doesn't mean you can wear whatever you want. I don't want to hear a single word from you. Go and put on your hijab and change into a modest outfit," Mrs. Iqra said, her tone growing stern.

"Eomma, please not now... everyone wears this type of dress. There wasn't a problem before, so why are you suddenly acting like this?" Ayzal protested, frustration evident in her voice as she gestured at her outfit.

(The dress she wore)

(The dress she wore)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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