the battle heats up, Izuku versus Krauser.

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( Amadeus Krauser POV.)
For as long as I can remember my father was a cold and vicious man and I wanted to be just like him, my name is Amadeus Krauser son of Wolfgang Krauser.
I've spent years training in the Stroheim style a style that combines Pankration and aero silat, one day I discovered I had a cousin who was adopted by the man who killed both our fathers.
That was when I decided I would punish all who opposed my family.
I made it my goal to train like hell and enter the U.A. Academy under the guise of a student but in reality, I wanted to make my cousin suffer.
And to do that I would punish his younger brother I made it my Goal to end this man for life.
(Pov end.)

Mirio Togata stood on the corner of the arena.
Where his opponent stood on the opposite side.
The bell rang and Togata came at Krauser with the intent to punish him.
The Hero attacked Krauser with his most powerful punch.
But Krauser laughed as he got Mirio in a joint lock.
Before he slammed the boy down hard.
Togata managed to break free using his permeation quirk.
However that somehow didn't help as when he came to strike Krauser Amadeus blasted him with a move straight from his father's playbook the move known as the " Kaiser Ball!" He shouted and blasted Mirio The boy was blown back.
" What the hell I was supposed to be intangible, nothing should be able to touch me," he said.
" Energy doesn't need mass to damage anything, because everything is made from energy," Amadeus said.
Then he blasted Mirio with a Ki Blast that sent the boy into the air before he leaped up grabbed him by the head arm and waist and drove him into the ground.
" Stroheim edge!" He shouted and sent the boy into the ground so hard there was a crack.
" Mirio!" Shouted Izuku as he rushed to ringside.
Mirio was unable to continue.
Krauser laughed wickedly at the boy.

" that's nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you," he said and he walked away.
" Hey big boy where are you going, in the next round I got you for three minutes," Said Izuku "Three minutes of playtime."
" Heh don't push your luck kid," said Amadeus.
" You think you're tough huh, then let me kick your ass all the way back to Germany then," said Izuku.

The next round of the tournament would be between Himé Sakazaki and Luke Steel the Iron-bodied Grappler.

Luke managed to get Himé in a headlock and attempted a DD-t but Hime used her palm on his thigh to keep him from securing the headlock and she elbowed him in the hip before using a low roundhouse kick, following up with a zanretsuken, the rapid fist barrage hit the man hard before the boy grabbed her launched her in the air getting her in a backbreaker rack and dropping her on her head on a death valley driver.

Izuku watched the two go at it.
Himé eventually drew up on her ki and she fired off a huge fireball as she shouted "Hao-shou-kohou-ken! She shouted and fired off a Fireball the size of a large bus.

Luke managed to guard but Himé let him have it with a barrage of punches and kicks so fast she seemed to surpass the speed of the naked eye and would end it with another huge fireball and the boy was unable to continue.

The next match was between Miguel Garcia versus Moé Habana.

Moe would come out strong using her flower-based palm strikes and kicks she used a fighting style that seemed to be based on Hapkido and Ishin-ryu karate, as her opponent came at her using a spinning back kick moé caught his kick and drove her elbow into his thigh before using an Oogoshi-nage the judo hip toss was able to slam the man down he, however, did a handspring and came back with a double legged stamp kick.
The girl was pushed to the edge of the Ring the boy attempted the "Kyoku-Koh-hoo," the Body blow chin strike, and Leaping uppercut were strong enough to put Moe Bac against the corner.
Miguel came at Moe attempting a Combination of kicks but Moe parried each kick before she used a knee to his forehead, followed by a double palm to the chest then let out a chain of spinning kicks as she shouted the name "Hana-Senpu-Geri!" She shouted ( Flower Whirlwind Kick!) the attack was enough to beat the boy and she spat some blood.
Izuku nodded then the semifinals began the next round was Izuku Midoriya versus Amadeus Krauser.
The battle would begin and Izuku would stand strong.

Izuku faced Krauser.
Amadeus came at Izuku with a powerful spinning punch but Izuku parried his punch and countered with an inside reversed elbow and then a spinning Uppercut.
The man grunted as he came at Izuku grabbing him and throwing him into the air attempting to grab him for the Stroheim edge, however, Izuku vanished via a puff of smoke and grabbed him in an upside-down master lock before spinning him around and slamming his head first in the ground.
" Lightning drop!" Shouted Izuku.
The man did a kip up and he came at Izuku throwing a boxer body combination.
Izuku however would trap his arms with the sticking hands method and he would land a push kick before using his own body blow combination but mixing between wing Chun blocks and traps.
Eventually, the older boy flared his aura.
" Kaiser Wave!" He shouted and fired of an Energy Beam at Izuku.

" Seiryuu-Reiha!" He shouted and fired off his energy wave
the two beams clashed in A DBZ Beam struggle which caused the stadium to watch in awe.

The two were blown back.
Krauser smirked.

" Kaiser Ball!" He shouted firing off two energy balls
Izuku countered it with a Power Geyser.
The two then came at one another Amadeus threw a huge sweeping right but Izuku countered with a spinning back kick aimed low as the two shouted out the names of their moves.
" Kaiser clothesline!" Shouted Krauser.
"Ballbuster!" Shouted Izuku.

The clothesline missed and the kick connected before Izuku landed a punch rush then ended with a smashing hook.
Krauser got angry and he went for his ultimate attack.

" Kaiser Nova!" He shouted and created a huge flaming aura that blew everything back.

" You Bastard, That's The Raging Storm!" Shouted Izuku who gathered his Ki into his left arm amping it up with a Boost from The earth as he shouted "Go to hell; Phantom Blade!" He shouted as spun around executing a backspin fist that sent a blade of energy at his enemy with such sharpness that it cut through the molecules in the air,
Krauser tried to guard it but to his surprise, the attack took out his arms and if it wasn't for his aura would've taken out his head.

" You Insect, you cut off my arms," he shouted.
Izuku then rushed Krauser and he let out a barrage of 99 right-handed Jolts and straights before he ended the combination with a Right-smashing hook that hit him in under 0.1/2 a second.
The attack was enough to end the fight.
But Krauser wouldn't go down so easily.
He came at Izuku running with an attempt to spear him, but Izuku landed a boot to his forehead that sent him into the air before Izuku juggled him with a Dragon punch then sent him flying with a leaping roundhouse kick,
Amadeus had no choice but to accept Defeat.
Izuku won the match and would proceed to the finals against whoever won the match between himé and Moé.
Izuku was healing himself using his ki whenever All Might asked him what the deal was with that last boy.
" He was the son of a man that my master defeated many years back, he is also the cousin of my big brother figure; he had a beef with my Master and his cousin, and he decided anyone affiliated with Terry Bogard Was his enemy," Izuku explained.
The next match would be between two female fighters trained in the respective martial arts of their families.
Moé and himé both stared each other down.
" Your little boyfriend isn't going to be able to protect you from me," said moé mockingly.
" Sounds funny coming from a girl who used to cosplay as someone else's boyfriend," Replied Himé.
{ moé first appeared as a striker named Kyoko who was a girl cosplaying as Kyo Kusanagi and then got her appearance in the EX GBA Games,}
" Heh well then let me show you what happens when you mess with me In A fight for real!" Said Moe who was prepared to finish this half British half Japanese heretic of karate.
" Meet me in the ring now!" She said.

To be continued.
( A/n oh ho ho looks like things are getting saucy, welp I believe that I did pretty good with Krauser now for the record he isn't a one-off Villian he'll come back soon enough and maybe I'll make him an antihero, anyways Moé and Himé will be a challenge for one another I think I'll have the two display their styles with as much detail as I can, anyways for those who don't know what the Stroheim edge is there is a wrestling anime called kinnikuman niisei also known as ultimate muscle in the west, and the anti-hero/ antagonist of the series is a guy named Kevin mask and he had a move called the big ben edge ( sometimes called bash) which is a move where he tosses his opponent into the air grabs them by their arm leg and waist and slams them to the ground I believe Clark steel has the move in later games, and for the record Luke Steel is not related to Clark he's just a fan of his.
Anyway that's all for now see you later Ciao.

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