A bloodline clash & Rival schools

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"The tournament was heating up, and soon everyone competing faced their first opponent. However, Rock was the only one who had not faced an opponent yet. That would soon change as both Rock and Izuku were searching the city. Izuku found himself surrounded by guys in taekwondo Gi
Izuku flicked his nose and got ready to fight however Rock Howard stepped forward.
" Tell us is your boss related to Kim Kaphwan by any chance?" He asked them sternly.
" Yes he is his name is Kim Jae Hoon," said One guy.
" Take me to him," said Rock he wasn't asking them he was telling them.
" As you wish but first your little friend there gets to play with our top fighter Oh May Lee," he said.
A girl came out in fashionable clothes that resembled Kamen Rider 1.
" So, You are the hero boy who's competing in this tournament then how about you face me?" She said then she pulled in her goggles made a stance and pulled back her scarf "Henshin masked rider Mae Lee."
Both of the boys rolled their eyes at her antics
" Okay, so your strongest fighter...is a girl with middle school syndrome... who fancies herself a tokusatsu hero from the Showa period," said Izuku, "and is a bird brain to boot," said Rock " Looks like you got the short end izuku," said rock.
" You lucky bastard," he quipped.
" Come at me hero boy I shall show you true justice," said Mae Lee.
At the moment she came at Izuku he translocated via speed she turned to see Izuku who had gathered his energy into his fist and threw a punch aimed at her the kanji for death appeared in her vision as the apparition of Izuku as a Titan bringing his fist down at her was seen before Izuku pulled back his punch and a sonic blast wave created an F3 class wind behind her.
Mae Lee's eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground unconscious.
" The fuck was that?" Asked one guy.
" That was what a practitioner of Hak-kyoku-seiken can do when he doesn't hold back," said a voice above them.
They turned to see a boy with blue hair in a taekwondo Gi.

"Do not be discouraged for I shall put this enemy down, and bring honor to taekwondo," said the man

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"Do not be discouraged for I shall put this enemy down, and bring honor to taekwondo," said the man.
" It's Kim Jae-hoon!" Said the fighters.
Kim assumed a widespread stance bouncing on his feet.
He threw a couple of kicks before making a Come-At-Me Notion with his hand.
Rock assumed a southpaw Philly Shell stance.
The Two squared off and then Kim Jae-hoon came at Rock throwing off three quick jabs then a right roundhouse kick followed by a left spinning Hook kick.
Rock dodged the first four strikes before the hook kick came he vanished via speed before landing an axe kick to the boys skull.
" COUNTER CRACK!" He shouted as he brought his heel down on Jae-hoon's.
Rock's kick However didn't seem to faze him.
He let out a huge spinning split kick as he shouted.
" Ho-oh reppu!" And hit Rock with the kicks at the speed of sound.
Rock however had taken worse than that he let him have a taste of the Rock crusher he kicked the taekwondo expert in the Gut before using an axe kick to the back of his neck before the kick fighter could.
The boy was tough he'd give him that but this next move would end him.
Jae-Hoon let loose a barrage of kicks however Rock had managed to catch his foot mid-barrage and then used his elbow to smash the boy in the kneecap.
" Ngh!" He cried as there was a crack before Rock then caught him off guard with a crossover into an elbow to the chin.
" That's the hyper Elbow!" Said Izuku.
Kim Jae-Hoon didn't take too kindly to rock targeting his leg.
" You can only win if you play dirty!" He shouted and let out a flaming roundhouse kick into a huge flaming somersault kick.
Rock however came down with a blue energized punch as wings of blue energy enveloped his forearm and Rock shouted " Hyper smash!" And slammed him in the face stunning him before he gathered his latent ki and swiped his arms down as he released a torrent blast of wind from his body while shouting, " RAGING STORM!" and sent Kim flying into a Wall unconscious.
" K.O!" Shouted the announcer.
The two were about to leave when the disciples got in the way.
" Hey your win doesn't count you played dirty," said the boys.
" Yeah you can't target someone's leg in a match," said one boy.
" Yes but this wasn't a match this was a fight," said Izuku.
" Stay out of it you green-haired jap," he said.
' Oh no he didn't,' thought Rock.
" Stop!" Shouted a voice.
The man turned to see Jae-Hoon standing there.
" He beat me fair and square and he's right this was a street fight, not a match let them go," said The bluenette.
Izuku and Rock walked away but not before Izuku hit the man who made a racist remark with a wave of killing intent causing him to piss himself to Foam at the mouth and collapse face first all at the same time.
" Bastard," said Izuku and the two walked away.
Izuku and Rock Howard began preparing for the second round of the tournament.
Himé returned to the Kyokugenryu dojo where she found her father Ryo sparring with his new apprentice Marco Rodriguez.
" Hi Papa, I'm home," said Himé.
" Himé What are you doing here, shouldn't you be in masafu," asked Ryo.
" Our class is here to watch our classmate in the new King Of Fighters tournament," said Himé.
" Oh and who is that?" Asked Ryo.
" Izuku Midoriya," said Himé.
" Isn't that the boy who is Terry Bogard's apprentice," asked Ryo.
" Yep," said said the busty blonde girl.
" Marco I want you to see if the boy really is strong enough to handle himself if he's going to be my daughter's lover he is to be your rival," ordered Ryo.
" Hai Sensei," said Marco.

Izuku and Rock Howard made their way into the City until they came upon the Kyokugenryu Dojo.
" You ready kid?" Asked Rock Howard.
" Yep," said Izuku.
Izuku and Rock entered the Dojo where they saw multiple students practicing kata.
" Ha, so the wolf's Pedigree and the legendary heroic wolf are here how about we have a little spar," said a black karateka in a yellow Gi.
" Who do you have in mind to spar with," asked Izuku.
" Well I've made up my mind he said pointing to Rock before shifting his arm to Izuku clenching it into a fist and stomping his rear foot forward and he assumed a karate stance known as the Kakatsu Dachi/ rear stance before while holding his front hand up in an open palm.
" Hmm this is interesting," said Izuku.
He then drew his hands in a circle before holding his left hand at the bottom palm up and his right hand at the top palm down.
" Shiranui Ryu Būdo karate Tenchi-Jouge," said Izuku. ( Shiranui style martial way empty hand Heaven and earth reversed) Said Izuku.
Shiranui Ryu Fighting karate a style that Izuku and Rock helped develop with Andy combining the fighting styles of Rock's Aiki-jutsu Izuku's jeet-kune-do and Andy's koppou-ken.
" Heh so what Kyokugenryu has a fifty-year history of effective fighting, IT Won't Lose To Your Style," he shouted lunging at Izuku throwing a combination of thrusts.
Izuku however, parried his punches by drawing his hands in a Figure eight Marco began putting his ki into his punches however, Izuku was also using his Ki to power his blocks, not only that but he was also absorbing the power in Marco's punches and then when Marco attempted a lunge at Izuku Izuku stepped back while parrying with his forearm and slammed him in the midsection with a Thrust to the sternum sending back the power of with the power of every punch strong enough to send him flying back five hundred steps.
The man was shaking the blow had caused his body to spasm.
Izuku smirked and made a come-at-me notion with his palm.
Marco grits his teeth.
" HIEN-SENPU-KYAKU!" He shouted letting loose a combination of flying spin kicks.
Izuku leaped up executing a double circle kick into a somersault backflip kick
" DRAGONS CIRCLE!" He shouted.
Marco was caught off guard.
Izuku was able to hit Marco pretty well with that strike Marco dug deep and gathered His Ki as he came at Izuku throwing a Deep Drilling Blow to the gut with his Right and A Jolt to the chin with his left before releasing A powerful Uppercut that was blazing with energy.
" Kyoku-Koh-hou/ Extreme Tiger Roar!" He shouted
Izuku spat some blood but then smiled.
He used A new technique he learned from the Scroll.
" Phantom Pain Strike!" He shouted as he let Marco have an energized punch aimed at his midsection before a second impact hit him in the face with twice the power knocking him out.
" That technique!" Said Ryo.
' that technique was the Same as the Kyokugenryu technique of the Spirit strike!' thought Ryo.
As Marco was sent flying back Izuku vanished teleporting via speed and catching him in a double underhook and suplexing him into the ground.
" Daaaamn!" Cursed two students in synch.
Izuku then helped Marco up to his feet and walked to Himé feeling courageous he picked her on the nose and walked away.
Hime blushed at this gesture the gesture earned him a glare from the students a stern look from Ryo a smile from King who had just walked in and a thumbs up from Rock.
To be continued.

( Authors notes,)
I wanted to end it with something sweet, now the second round will be individual fights I know I've been focusing on Izuku and Rock but the next chapter will be a fight between some other characters mainly Terry Bogard and An OC I'll spoil it for you because you like you he fights like A Dragon ball character his name is Satoshi Son and he's Going to be Izuku's rival I'll give him a backstory in the next chapter.
See you next time Ciao.

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