Chapter 1: The Beginning

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         It was the first day of 6th grade. I was walking around the hallway trying to figure out where all my classes was considering that some of them were a huge pain of a walk. I went to my locker to grab something and heard a friend of mine from 5th grade say hey. I turned around and looked at my friend seeing that it was Emily. "Hey Emily, what's up?" I spoke to her. "So me and the girls were wondering if you wanted to hangout at lunch." Emily smiled at me and I agreed to. After classes were over I forgot something in my locker and told my friends to go ahead and head to the cafeteria. As I went to turn around and walk up the stairs I tripped and this guy with brown messy hair and those hazel eyes had caught me. I smiled and said thank you, he said youre welcome and to be more careful next time. I nodded and went to my locker to go and grab my jacket. I went back to the cafeteria to see him sitting with some of the guys I know. I might've token a glance here and there and one of the other girls I was sitting with noticed. Emily nudge me and said, "do you know him?" I replied with a simple no and said that he had caught me from falling though. Emily smiled and said, "we can't leave you alone even for 5 minutes can we?" I giggled at her comment and rolled my eyes.

       "So why not go over there and introduce yourself?" Bree spoke. I shook my head, "no thanks I don't really do socail interactions." That's when my friend Abby laughed and shook her head. I rolled my eyes and got done with the food on my tray, I got up and went to put it away and saw a guy I knew. "Hey, so just thought to let you know I saw you looking at him a few times." I rolled my eyes at Tony's comment. "Don't say anything please besides who is he?" I asked while avoiding Tony's eye contact. "Oh he's a friend of mine besides that was pretty cool how he caught you considering how clusmy you are since like elementary school." I rolled my eyes at Tony knowing for a fact that he wasn't wrong. Yet, in my mind I thought I was still pretty stupid for tripping and meeting a new person that way. The teachers dismissed us to leave and to go have recess or other words either go outside or in the gym and have some fun and mingle with some people. I sighed and decided to go outside with some of the people I knew. A thousand thoughts were just going through my head non stop.

           It tooks weeks for me to build up the courage to finally talk to him. Then we slowly started to just hangout with each other in the different friend groups. Sadly, Emily was barely there due to her having problems. I never pushed to ask what she was going through considering I knew it wasn't my business. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't eat lunch. Bree kept yelling at me because I just didn't want to eat considering that I've been over thinking non stop. Finally, a guy I'm close to, Frank decided to distract me from my thoughts and it worked very well. It got me to eat, but Tony and the boy who caught me still never got his name came over and sat with Frank, Bree, and me. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. I finally started to have feelings for him. I kept ignoring it hoping it would go away thinking that it doesn't mean anything. I told my two guy friends who are also my neighbors what happened. Hayden said just go with it. Andy told me that it's probably just sibling love. I didn't know what to think at first so I kept ignoring it. But I do know that spending 6th grade with him was fun and I'm glad I learned his name.

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