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Leaping over the railing, Ji caught a pully chain hanging from a rotating mechanical gear, sending his body hurtling through the air. Hitting with enough force to bend her nearly in half, her limp body had folded around him like a ragdoll. Grabbing her tight with one arm, the violent momentum swung them in a huge arc before the chain snapped taut. Jerked roughly into a tight spin, Ji forced himself to concentrate as he'd shifted her weight between his legs, gripping beneath her arms with his thighs.

Bouncing off the rail sent a hot arc of pain through his right side, his hand going numb as they dropped a dozen feet before he could regrip. Their combined weight joggled the pully, the entire contraption wobbling. Gasping, he'd focused every muscle, pulling them hand-over-hand back to the top. Swinging a little, he'd grabbed the stair rail, hauling Ginny's deadweight through the bars before climbing over himself. Leaning over her, brushing stray wisps from her lashes, he looked into vacant eyes.

"Mouse," shaking her, he'd felt the rippling tide of shock turned to anger. "Mouse!"

No response and he checked to make sure she was breathing, the soft thump of her heart beneath his ear. Jaw clenched, Ji picked her up and carried her back down to the warehouse floor, then back to the bedrooms.

If he'd been even a second later...

"I need a smoke." Covering her with a blanket, he'd gone in search of a fresh pack of cigarettes, and poured another cup of coffee from the stained pot, grimacing at the grounds that slipped in. Bringing several bottles of water along, he returned in time to see Ginny blink. Glazed with confusion as he sat down, her skin deathly pale, her eyes lingered on him.


"Is this heaven?" Her voice was hoarse.

"No." Breaking the seal, he took her hand, putting the bottle in it. "Drink."

"I'm not dead?" Expression faltering, her fingers began to shake.

"No." He was having trouble controlling his emotions now. Did she want to die that badly?

"Why did you stop me? Why... couldn't you have just let me go?"

"Seriously?" Razor sharp, his tone was icy. "You stripped ten hair-of-the-dog years off my life with that impromptu flying trapeze act!"

"I didn't ask you to... I didn't... I don't want your help," defiant, with a hint of despair laced her voice as she kept her gaze to one side.

"Is that what you really want?" Ji hadn't been able to remember the last time he'd been so angry, so frustrated with someone's complete lack of common sense. Abruptly, he'd given up.

"Fine! I don't owe you a thing. You say you're done? Let's end this." Jerking the bottle from her hand he slammed it on the side table, spilling water. Ginny's dark eyes bulged as he pulled the revolver from his waistband and put it to her lips. "Open."

Years of abuse forced immediate compliance, tears springing into her eyes. She could taste the metallic barrel on her tongue and felt the round end pressing against the roof of her mouth. Adjusting it slightly, he'd grabbed her hand, slipping it around the handle, laying her quivering finger along the side of the trigger. When he let go, her hand stayed frozen in place.

"That's the angle to ensure you don't just blow a piece of your skull off. So, get it over with! Pull the trigger already! At least I'll know for sure and won't stumble across your rotting corpse spattered all over the floor. Judas Priest!"

Callous ocean-green eyes stared into her dark, frightened ones. His expression was cold.

"Are you going to do it or what?"

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