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Bluestar sat beside high rock looking up at the stars of Silverpelt. A prettty dappeled she-cat walked up and sat beside the blue gray cat. " Thinking about Ravenpaw again?" The dappeled cat asked gently. " Yes Spottedleaf, he is not doing well in training. Or so Tigerclaw says" Bluestar replies. " Well- Spottedleaf is cut off and her eyes go white. " Spottedleaf?" Bluestar said looking over at the cat. At that moment she realized that the young medicine cat was receiving an omen from the warrior ancestors the Clans call StarClan.  Spottedleaf went back to normal. " Well?" Bluestar said. " StarClan has spoken Bluestar, A dark tom will save our Clan." Spottedleaf said. "  A dark tom?"  Bluestar said. 

" It's what StarClan decided to share with me." Spottedleaf said.  " That could be anyone!" Bluestar said her eyes filling with anger.  "The worst part is Crookedstar and his warriors are planning an attack!" An angry Bluestar said. " ThunderClan is on their toes enough!" She also said.

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