A Girl's Resolve

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   Izanami Kendo flipped backwards sloppily, attempting to dodge her mother's flurry of attacks, to no avail

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Izanami Kendo flipped backwards sloppily, attempting to dodge her mother's flurry of attacks, to no avail. Recently, she had been pushing herself far beyond her limits. Why? Her reasons were unclear, even to herself.

"You're going easy on me," Kendo complained, gasping for breath as she lay flat against the ground. Sweat and grime caked her skin as she stared up at the clear sky, before the woman's shadow eclipsed the sun, staring down at her daughter. Her mother offered her a hand to lift herself up.

"You can't heal as easy as me," her mother laughed, ruffling her daughter's hair. "Why have you been trying to go so hard lately? Preparing to be mugged or something? You've been hanging around your father too much."

"No! It's just that...." the girl trailed off.

Maybe she had been preparing for something. Ever since the sludge villain incident, it's like a part of her subconscious was urging her forward. Move faster. Become stronger. Be better.

She needed to. Had to- but why?

Before she could wrap her brain around it, the back door to the house swung open, revealing her father. He was red in the face and was stomping towards them. Uh oh, maybe he noticed the busted screens to the televisions...

"CARE TO EXPLAIN THIS, YOUNG LADY?!" Her father shoved the newspaper into his daughter's face, who flushed pale at the sight.

In large print right across the front page read: 'QUIRKLESS MIDDLE SCHOOL DUO HELP DEFEAT SLUDGE VILLAIN!'

Her mouth went dry, lips sucking into themselves like she'd bitten a lemon. Oh no...

"Awe! Look at her!" Her mother cooed, pointing to the black and white picture of her sitting by Midoryia, being lectured.

"Don't encourage her, honey!" Her father exclaimed, exasperatedly, "What were you thinking?!"

"I was- I was just trying to help-" Kendo began.

"You're normal, Kendo! You don't even have our quirks! You don't have my foresight and you can't act like you can just bounce back from things like your mother-why would you think you could help?! You could've been killed-"

"Daichi!" Her mother hissed, watching their daughter's face fall.

"Yeah I'm normal, dad," she echoed back venomsly, trying to hide the tremble in her voice, "but that doesn't mean I'm useless."

"That's not what I was trying to say-" he tried to reach out, his voice now soft, realizing his mistake. "You know I just worry, Kendo."

"WELL KNOCK IT OFF!" She screamed. "Just use your quirk on me and you'll be able to see- you'll be able to get off my back!"

"You know I can't do that, Kendo," he whispered.

The girl's nostrils flared, and against her will her eyes began leaking. He went to hug her but she shoved  him away, wiping her tears furiously.

Why wasn't life fair? How come the one thing she'd ever wanted was so far out of reach? So far beyond her control? Fate truly was sick.

"I'm sorry," she breathed, sniffing.


"I broke both TV's, too," she confessed in a rush, before turning and dashing back into the house.


That night, Kendo Izanami sat slumped over her desk,  scribbling indignantly across various high school applications. But every time she began, she instantly balled them up, or tore them to pieces.

Her mind couldn't help but to drift back  to that certain green-haired boy. Quirkless and heroic- could the two truly coexist inside one person at once?

Of course it could, she'd witnessed it firsthand. The better question was- could she do the same?

Because for all she was and all she was worth she only truly had one place in mind. She knew where she wanted to go to high school, but she was afraid to admit it. She bit her lip and glanced at her phone.

  Against her better judgment, she slid it towards her and picked it up, beginning to text the only person she could think to in her dire need.

   Chimney Breath

  Hey Asahi if I ask you a dumb question you promise not to laugh?

:Yeah what's up formaldehyde

  It's kind of crazy...


  I'm thinking of applying to UA, you know, the school for super gifted kids with  super amazing quirks?

   She bit her nails with a vengeance, watching intently as his typing bubbles appeared then disappeared repeatedly. She was just waiting for it. For the inevitable 'you're dreaming,' or 'you're nuts.'

  :A spaz like you? Figures.

  you think I could do it?

  :if anyone could it'd be you crazy.

   Thanks, lol

:too bad you we wont be going to the same school next year tho :(

we can still hang out ;D

  : even once you get cool new hero friends?

they won't be nearly as cool as you, chain smoker

After texting goodnight, she tossed her phone to her side table and flopped over on her bed, linking her hands behind her head. Despite the nervousness churning in her chest, she somehow felt much lighter.

For the first time in a week since the sludge villain incident, Kendo Izanami slept easy that night. She'd come to her resolve.

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