The Last Stage of Grief

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"Agh, already?! You better hope we got enough points, sister!" Mineta pointed an accusing finger towards the girl, not bothering to assist her in tugging the lightning-haired boy to the exit

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"Agh, already?! You better hope we got enough points, sister!" Mineta pointed an accusing finger towards the girl, not bothering to assist her in tugging the lightning-haired boy to the exit. "If we don't pass I'll never forgive you, even if you are smokin hot..."

   "Whatever, Mineta, you would've never gotten as many points if it weren't for me," she scoffed, kicking the boy forward so that he fell onto his face.


  To be fair, she was disappointed, too. They had gotten a good amount of the villains, but would it be enough to pass?

  They joined the crowd of examinees, some of which who looked exhausted and defeated, others who looked more than confident. Kendo wanted to deflate.

   "Ah! He looks worse for ware, I'll take him off your hands!" Came a sweet voice.

   Kendo looked around in confusion, not knowing where the words were coming from, only to look down in shock. There was a little elderly woman adorned in a doctor's coat.

  "Ag!" The girl shouted in surprise.

  "Oh, sorry deary. I'm Recovery Girl, are you or either of your friends injured?"

   Kendo looked to the boys on either side of her, deadpanning, "These doofuses aren't my friends."

   Mineta looked like he'd just been struck by an imaginary arrow.

   "But this one might've gotten hit way too hard on the head," she gestured to the boy on her shoulder, who'd been babbling gibberish the entire time. "He also got a building dropped on him."

   "Ah, I see!" She said cheerfully, motioning for some medical bots to come over.

   They lifted the boy into the air on a stretcher, whisking him away.

   "What about you, dear? You look like you've got some blood on your face," Recovery girl pointed to her nose.

   "I'm fine," Kendo shrugged.
   "Nonsense!" The older woman insisted, yanking the teen down to her height with impressive strength, and landing a sloppy kiss on the girl's cheek.

   "Hey! What give- oh! What the-" suddenly, the girl felt all her cuts and scrapes simply vanish. "Huh...thanks," she flexed her fingers, any strain or pain was wiped away. Cool quirk, the teen thought.

  "You're welcome! You'll be seeing more of me should you get into UA, girly. I saw you your performance, certainly plus ultra," the woman nodded in approval.

   "Thanks.." Kendo scratched the back of her head, "but I'm not sure I got enough points."

   The girl looked out to sea of all the other examinees. Some had obvious quirks, like the muscly boy with eight arms. Others not so much, but she was sure they all had to be powerfully awesome.

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