A Test of Courage

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  Kendo Izanami prepared to leave her house early that morning, under the guise of "hanging out" with friends

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Kendo Izanami prepared to leave her house early that morning, under the guise of "hanging out" with friends.

"Ugh, don't tell me it's that Asahi kid, I saw him smoking outside of the gas station last night. He seems like a bad influence," Daichi Izanami mumbled into his coffee cup, clutching his morning paper with the grating thought of his daughter fraternizing with a boy —at such an early hour of the day, no less! Why did they need the whole day to "hang out?!"

"Oh Daichi, let her have some fun. She never goes anywhere, and you work her to the bone down in the basement," her mother chastised, sipping her morning tea.

"Yeah! What the lady said," Kendo huffed, sticking a thumb out to her mother, "I'll see you guys later!"

"You haven't even eaten breakfast! It's the most important-"

"Not hungry!" She shouted, before slamming the door behind her.

"QUIT SLAMMING DOORS!" Came the muffled voice of her mother.

That was Kendo's second lie that morning, she was actually starving. But she feared if she ate anything she would puke with anxiety.

   Her brain was on autopilot the whole way to the school, running through different scenarios and various challenges she could face.

But when she finally reached her destination, her mind nearly blanked at the sight. Staring, mouth agape, the girl gawked in awe at the building. It looked so much nicer than her old run down middle school.

It was in that same moment her eyes caught sight of a familiar tuft of wild green hair, and the nervousness she had bubbling in her stomach all summer seemed to dissipate into thin air. She grinned as she jogged up to the teen.

"Yo! Izuku!" She called, laughing with relief.

   The teen and the brunette next to him swiveled around. His eyes widened in surprise before a genuine smile spread across his face.

  "I-Izanami! I knew I'd see you again, we never exchanged numbers!" He said, cheeks dusting pink.

  "Oh! Yeah, sorry about that I left in a rush, didn't I?" The girl scratched the back of her head sheepishly, "But as you can see I'm alive and well, my dad didn't kill me afterall."

  "Huh?!" The girl next to him questioned, listening to the pair.

  "Oh! I'm sorry! I'm Kendo Izanami! Nice to meet you!" She introduced herself with a grin.

  "Ochaco Uraraka," the girl smiled back politely. "We should probably head inside."

  "Oh right," Kendo nodded, turning to Midoryia, "I'm glad I saw you, it's nice knowing I'm not the only quirkless kid applying this year," she beamed before running inside after Uraraka.

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