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"Hey watch out!"

You turned your head to see none other than the Firehawks captain, Val. You were walking down a common park in the area to buy some snacks from the convenience store. Until...


Suddenly, a ball hit your head and you fell on your butt. You looked up to see Val crouching over you.

"Hey, is your face alright?" She held out a hand to which you accepted and stood up.

You looked behind her to see another girl on the Firehawks team chasing after the volleyball that hit your face. Her and her team were here at the park playing volleyball.

"Your face isn't hurt, is it?" Looked into your eyes to which you replied.

"No, I'm fine thank you. I've been hit by worse." You let out a chuckle.

"Oh really? What worse did that pretty face of yours get hurt by?" Val smirked and put her hands on her hips.

"My partners skate hit my face once during a routine." You bluntly said while looking at her. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh!" She managed to let out. "What did you- How did it-"

You laughed and put your hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it though! It happened like 3 years ago. My partner was spinning and it accidentally sliced my cheek. My scar can be seen kind of?" You pointed to a mark on your cheek.

"At least it didn't hit your eye." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Anyway, Miss Flyer... wanna meet my team?"

"Oh it's alright, I have somewhere to be." You looked at the direction that you were going to go. "Also, do you just call me Miss Flyer because I'm on flyers?"

"It's also because you fly when you skate." She looks into your eyes. "Well then, see you Miss Flyer!"



I made this story secretly for my friend and I don't know if she caught on yet. I've left some clues in the story for her to know that it's me 😛

About my cat, we just picked her up today from the vet and there's still a lot of things that we have to do. I don't know all of the details but I'll update when I get the chance! Her name is Bel! She's getting better but is scared of the garage door now. She absolutely will never go inside the garage or driveway anymore.

Stay safe lovelies! ❤️

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