Cheater Life x Death Male Reader

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Black Dahlia


(Y/N)'s POV

Swan: Please! Go away! 

I stared at her.

Swan: Please just... just leave.

(Y/N): Where is your partner?

Swan: What?

(Y/N): Swans mate for life, yet i don't see your partner anywhere. I can't see his spirit, so he must still be alive.

Swan: Stop..

(Y/N): Did he just leave you alone with... this?

I motioned at her nest. Her eggs were smashed with a brick.

Swan: He couldn't handle it. Neither can i...

She slowly walked to her eggs.

Swan: I wasn't even allowed to meet them... Only one little egg is left... Intact.

She nudged it a few times, thinking of what could've been.

Swan: Death... You're not here for my unhatched eggs, are you? 

(Y/N): No.

Swan: You're here for me... right?

(Y/N): Please don't be... scared. The stress, the grief... this is more than you can take. But... 

Swan: I'm ready.

(Y/N): What?

She nudged her egg again.

Swan: Please forgive me, little egg...

She slowly closed her eyes, thinking of her unhatched cygnet. Her spirit left her body and followed me. 

Swan: I hope i'll at least get to meet them in another life...

I sighed. It wasn't easy at all to look at stuff like that on a daily basis. My life was filled with pain and sorrow. The only thing that kept my going was my relationship with Life. We worked together to keep the balance in the world, and eventually hit it off. I admit, i was a little jealous about her bringing only joy and i only sadness, but i guess that's how things were meant to be. Although... lately i've noticed how she looked at my brother, Hades. It's probably nothing, though.


Me and the swan arrived at the afterlife.

(Y/N): Off you go, little one.

I put her down and went to Hades' palace to tell him about the new soul i've delivered. Once i entered, i began looking for him. 

(Y/N): Hades? *Looks in the dining room* Hades? *Looks in the bathroom* Haaaadeees? *Looks in the toilet* Hades, you in here?

He was nowhere to be found.

(Y/N): Hmm...

I heard giggling and moaning coming from his bedroom.

(Y/N): What the-?

I slowly approached it and peeked inside. I gasped loudly when i saw Life and Hades together in bed. 

Life: Ah~ That was great!

Hades: You said it.

Life: Can we not tell (Y/N)? I don't want to ruin things between us.

Hades: Yeah. I also need him for the souls he brings.

Life smiled and kissed him.

Life: Thanks, baby~ So... wanna go again~?

I opened the door and looked straight at them. Their eyes widened.

Both: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): *Cheerfully* Hey, guys! What's up?

Life: I-It's not what it looks like...

Hades: Y-Yeah, we just-

(Y/N): Save it. 

I looked at Life. Her eyes filled with tears, but i was having none of it. 

(Y/N): I believe you realize that we're nothing more than colleagues from now on. Got it?

Life: B-But-

(Y/N): Got it?

Life: *Sniff* Yes...

I then looked at Hades.

(Y/N): I've brought a swan. She died from a broken heart after teenagers smashed her eggs with a brick. Do with that what you will.

I turned around and left, leaving them worried about what to do next.


I returned to the overworld. It was snowing outside.

(Y/N): Is it that bad being with me? Am i that pathetic?

As i kept on walking, i saw a small puppy chained to it's house outside. He was shivering uncontrollably. I slowly approached it and crouched down beside it. It's collar said "Zeus".

(Y/N): Tough winter, isn't it?

Zeus: Oh? Are you a friend of my family?

(Y/N): Hm...

I looked at the house. There were a lot of people partying inside.

(Y/N): Probably not.

Zeus: My family will let me in any minute!

(Y/N): How long have you been waiting here?

Zeus: Mm... Just a few days... or so...

(Y/N): ...

Footsteps were heard. I looked up and saw a girl approaching.

Girl: Zeus!

She was carrying a blanket with her.

Girl: Daddy says you can't come in, but...

She covered him with the blanket.

Girl: I can't stand seeing you like this. *Hugs Zeus* Just stay strong okay?

Man: Kathy, come back inside! Now!

Kathy: Okay!

She stood up and gave one last look at Zeus.

Kathy: I love you, Zeus!

She walked away, while Zeus was wagging his tail happily.

Zeus: See? They will let me in soon!

(Y/N): But she just said..

He laid down in the snow.

Zeus: But it's really... Incredibly cold... So very cold... 

I looked down.

(Y/N)'s mind: Seems like the cold has frozen their hearts.

Zeus: Don't worry, i'm fine! I'm not even cold anymore! The blanket really helps!

I looked at him and sighed.

Zeus: I love my family so much! 

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