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CHAPTER FOURFace to Face | 면 대면

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Face to Face | 면 대면

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Crystal was organizing papers. And when she heard the door opened, her eyes looked up from her reading glasses, but didn't stop how she organized her papers. Then eyes moved back to her task. 

Gun walked towards her with his other hand on his pocket. The same neutral expression on his face. Crystal didn't know why he was here, although she looked unbothered from the outside, she was still concerned of what he could be after. It was Gun after all, and the gangster didn't come in contact with her, his "princess", unless he was being her guard or helping her train-- all in the name of the chairman.

"Whats up." Crystal raised a brow.

There was still so much to be done with the streaming industry.

"Whats up? Do you know why your father sent you to a Forrest?" 

Now that he says that, Crystal was beginning to see why Gun was so concerned, (not for her but what made the cogs in Charles turn to make him do that) and more so, a girl her age with an unusual and surprising visuals was seen with her when the time Gun have allotted her had stopped.

If it weren't for the black printed t-shirts and guitar, they would've thought you were an ethereal creature in those forest that were luring Crystal down to its depths.

"Ugh," Crystal groaned. "I don't know either. Maybe its got something to do with y/n since she was the only one there." Yeah... Its was as if she was resented like a pearl on a shell. She was signing her hearts out in the heart of the dragon. But why?

"Your father might have an interest on that girl you've found in there." Gun concluded.

"Figured." Crystal's train of thought. "He's afraid of her."

Crystal stopped her papers, and closed her eyes. the thought feared her. And its only the moment she realized that. there was no beat, no melody. It was all one single thought that left her disassociated with her work as she took off her glasses and set down her papers in their own files. Gun watched as it seemed like a switch have turned on in her. 

Gun never thought that Crystal would so much cared. Her determination to hate good-looking people wasn't burning, but a block of ice.


That was her gaze when he first met her. 

You could say Gun have already met the girl in the forest far before he saw her in the arms of his princess.

"Okay then," gun started, lighting a cigarette. "Because..."

"What?" Crystal squinted her eyes, specifically at the smoke that came from the tip of the straw.

"That's what he told me, I am not to disclose anything else other than that." Gun mumbled.

That pissed Crystal off, but she still has her poise, her intel, with every maze-like conversations she have to be accustomed to, she have to navigate it-- because that's how she was raised. That's how it was meant to be from this point on. There's nothing else much more higher than her position right now, and she could say that if she were Icarus, the story would write itself as sure as day. 

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