Prologue: The Book

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The scene shows the sun shining and birds flying and then showing a giant castle. Then we see two little girls are running around a giant castle as if they are running from someone. One girl is blonde and the other one has raven hair. Their names are shouted but they just laugh and kept on running. The raven hair girl looks around and her eyes glow as if she spotted something that she wanted. She turned a corner and went into a room. The blonde hair girl is suddenly grabbed by the raven hair girl into the room and then they locked the door behind them. The blonde girl started breathing heavily.

Blonde Girl: I. . . Can't. . . Believe. . . We. . . Did it.

Raven Girl: You need to get into better shape. How are you supposed to be running the country when you're older?

Blonde Girl: I will run everything. . . It's your job to protect me.

Raven Girl: *Sarcastic* Some Queen you'll be.

Blonde Girl: Hey! Momma is teaching me and I'll be a good Queen!

Raven Girl: Whatever.

Blonde Girl: Why are we in this room again?

Raven: Because this is where it's being kept!

Blonde Girl: What?

The Raven hair girl sees a display case hidden in the back of the room of a storage. Inside the case was a book.

Blonde Girl: We ran. . All this way. . . For a stupid book?!

Raven Girl: This isn't just any book! It's the diary that belonged to him! The Symbol of Hope, Freedom, and the King of Kaiju Titians!

Blonde Girl: The Symbol of Hope, Freedom, and the King of Kaiju Titians? How come he was named by that?

Raven Girl: He was name by that because, everyone saw him as that. He helped to those he cares about. Come on, we need to go.

The blonde girl nods and they both hurry back to where they had started running from. They are met by a few other children as well.

Child 1: Did you get it?

Raven Girl: *points at herself* I did.

Blonde Girl: Hey! We worked together!

Raven Girl: *sighs in annoyance* It doesn't matter now. Get everyone together. It's time that we read it!

Child 2: Will it be a long story? Do I need to get food? I'm hungry!

Child 1: *deadpans* Your always hungry.

Child 2: *mad* Shut up, Chouko!

Raven Girl: Whatever. Let's get started already!

The blonde girl looks very nervous.

Raven Girl: *looks at her* Do we have permission, your highness?

Blonde Girl: Fine. . . Let's do this!

The Raven haired girl prepares to open the journal. . . But it was suddenly grabbed by an older woman with raven hair. She was standing next to an older blonde haired woman.

Raven Haired Woman: I should've known that it was you. I guess I owe Annie an apology.

Raven Girl: Mom?!

Blonde Haired Woman: She really takes up after you, Mikasa.

Mikasa: I don't remember being this rebellious.

Blonde Haired Woman: Maybe not all the time. . . But when it came to a certain someone.

Mikasa: Whatever. *looks at the kids* What do you think you're doing with this?

Raven Girl: We all want to hear the story of The Symbol of Hope, Freedom, and the King of Kaiju Titians!

Mikasa: You're still too young! Besides, why do you want to know a story that's basically a legend?

Chouko: Ha! I told you that it's a legend!

Raven Girl: If it's such a legend, then why does the journal exist?

Blonde Haired Woman: Maybe it's time to tell them. They'll find out eventually.

Mikasa: Historia? *sighs* Fine, I guess it can't hurt to tell them a little bit.

Raven Girl: By the way, mom, where is dad?

Historia: He's busy running things. He's a very busy man.

Blonde Girl: Enough! Let's get started on reading!

Child 2: What about food?

Historia: Go ahead and start, Mikasa. I'll help Sasha get snacks for the kids.

Mikasa sits down in a chair and the rest of the children all gathered around. All of the children saw Mikasa smile as she caressed the journal.

Mikasa: To be honest. . . I haven't fully read this myself. I guess this is good for all of us.

All of the children sat around on the ground. Mikasa looked at the journal carefully. She opened up the journal to the first page. She seemed to gasp and quickly advance several pages before stopping near the middle of the journal.

Raven Girl: Hey! Start from the beginning!

Mikasa shakes her head.

Mikasa: There are some things in here that I need to decide whether to tell you or not. I don't think you're old enough to yet to understand.

Child 2: Where is the food?

Chouko: Is that all you ever think about?

Historia returns with a brown-haired woman. They are both holding large baskets of bread. All of the children gather around the two women.

Historia: Sasha, start handing out pieces of bread.

Sasha: Huh?! I thought this basket was for me!

Child 2: Mom!

All of the bread was handed out as everyone gathers around waiting for the story to begin. Historia looks around to see if everyone is accounted for.

Historia: We're still missing some people. Where's Annie, Rico, and Mina?

As if on cue, the three women walk in to see the group.

Annie: You're starting without us? That's rude.

Rico: Yes! We're vital to the story!

Blonde Girl: What do you mean by "we"?

Rico blushed and turns away.

Mina: That doesn't matter. Wait! Where is Ymir?

Historia: She will be late. It was her turn to hang out with "him" today. Also Petra, Hange, Pieck, Hitch and Nanaba will be late also.

Mina: Oh.

Raven Girl: Aunt Historia, *points at Mikasa* tell my mom to start from the beginning of the journal instead near the middle!

Historia: I'm sure she has her reasons.

Annie: No, read the whole thing. . . They all deserve to know everything we went through.

Mikasa: *sighs*. . . Fine.

Historia: Now, enough time has been wasted. Let's hear the story of the Symbol of Hope, Freedom, and the King of Kaiju Titians.

Mikasa: This is the story of the Symbol of Hope, Freedom, and the King of Kaiju Titians. . .

Mikasa opens the journal again and begins to read it.

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