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You were walking through the forest again. The occasional twig snapping under your foot, the usual rustling in the bushes.

The thick fog blocking your view beyond the tress. Inhaling the humid smell of the air around you, you sigh out squinting your eyes trying to make out anything beyond.

Jolting backwards a little, your eyes widened from there squinted state, straining your ears to see if what you heard was actually there instead of your mind playing tricks.

Pulling your phone out from the loose pocket of your sweatpants, you check the time.


No one would be in the forest right now, so why the hell were you hearing voices?

Fear didn't run through your veins any other time you would waltz around the thick, overgrown woods but something was different.

The atmosphere was heavy, the usual warm temperature you experienced ran cold.

Before you knew it, the sky had started to shoot raindrops out of it, the few seconds of spitting turning into a harsh downpour soaking your newly washed clothes in an instant.

As you continued trekking depper and deeper into the dark unknown, the strange voice grew louder and more coherent, you being able to figure out a few sentences.

"No, someone is here. A woman." the man's voice sounded warped, almost inhuman, it being followed by a much deeper, rougher voice.

"Mhm you're right, I can smell her. The fear circling around the blood pulsing through her veins. The dampness of the rain almost blocks it out."

Then they stopped, just as you stopped dead in your tracks.

It was like you were frozen in fear. Your jaw fell slack open and your pupils bounced around rapidly trying to make sure you weren't seeing things.

Standing right in front of you were two inhuman looking figures.

The one standing to your right was tall, their height being approximately 6'7. His eyes were mismatched, one a deep crimson red the other a bright, alluring blue. A striking contrast. His hair was pitch black with a blood coloured strand running down the front. His face was beyond anything you had seen before. His jaw was sharp, his nose slim and pointed being adorned by a silver septum piercing and finally his lips. They looked soft, the bottom one being plumper.

Your eyes flicker over to the left one. The one who's voice was warped. He was a little shorter then the other guy being around 6"5. His eyes were a startling, piercing red, they looked like they could pierce their way through your skull. His hair was a striking platinum white, the contrast being insane to the black ink that painted basically most of his body from what you could make out. His jaw being the same sharpness as his counterpart, his nose being slightly rounder with a piercing and his delicate pink lips were pierced at both sides with black rings.

"Well what's a pretty thing like you doing this deep into the woods hm?" The demonic voice rung out startling you out of your shocked state.

"What the fuck are you two.." You manged to mutter out, your body not moving an inch, even the rising of your chest from the slow breaths you were taking seemed to halt.

"As you can see darling, we aren't quite human. I am an Incubus you know what that is right? or do you have your head shoved so far up your ass like all the other humans we've stumbled across?"

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you managed to splutter out a few sentences

"They're sex demons right..? the ones who enters your mind while you're in a lulled state and fucks you..right?"

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