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Kenji led me through a narrow path surrounded by lush greenery until we emerged into the most breathtaking flower field I had ever seen. The vibrant colors were almost overwhelming. There were rows and rows of tulips in every shade imaginable, from deep crimson to soft lavender. Daisies with their cheerful white petals and sunny centers danced in the gentle breeze, while towering sunflowers stood proudly, their faces turned towards the sky. Roses of every hue, from classic red to delicate pink, added a touch of romance to the scene. The scent was intoxicating, a sweet blend of all the flowers mingling together.

I wandered around in awe, unable to take in all the beauty at once. Each step revealed a new cluster of flowers, each more stunning than the last. I turned to Kenji, my heart swelling with gratitude and curiosity. "How did you know I loved flowers so much?" I asked, my voice filled with wonder.

Kenji smiled, his cobalt blue eyes sparkling. "I saw a bunch of them in the background whenever we called," he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I spun around, taking in the sights and smells, feeling like I was in a dream. The colors, the scents, the sheer beauty of it all—it was almost too much to handle. I could feel Kenji's gaze on me, and when I turned to look at him, he was watching me with an expression of pure admiration.

"You're beautiful," he said softly, his voice carrying over the field like a gentle breeze.

My heart skipped a beat as I slowly walked towards him, my eyes locked onto his. His cobalt blue eyes were mesmerizing, deep and full of emotion. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. His features were so attractive—his strong jawline, his kind eyes, the way his hair fell just perfectly.

"You're pretty amazing yourself," I whispered, my voice barely audible as I leaned in.

Our lips met in a kiss that was nothing short of magical. It was electric, a surge of energy that seemed to flow between us. His lips were soft and warm, moving perfectly with mine. The world around us seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of us in that moment. It was a kiss filled with passion, with promise, with everything we had been feeling but hadn't yet said.

When we finally pulled away, breathless and with our hearts pounding, I knew that this moment would be etched in my memory forever. Kenji looked at me with such intensity, and I knew he felt the same.

In that beautiful flower field, with the scent of roses and daisies all around us, we had shared something truly special. And it was just the beginning.

"This is the best date I've ever been on," I said, my heart swelling with gratitude and joy.

Kenji's lips curled into a confident smirk. "I knew you'd love it," he said, his voice filled with a hint of cockiness.


After hours of roaming through the flower gardens, taking it all in and picking enough flowers to make a lovely bouquet, Kenji takes her to a little cafe down the street. The cafe has an earthy vibe, with wooden tables, hanging plants, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee in the air. It's a cozy, inviting space, bathed in warm light filtering through large windows. Kenji leads her to a table in the back, pulling out the seat for her before taking his own. She looks around, admiring the plants lined up along the walls and the rustic decor.

As they sat down at their table, the waiter approached with a friendly smile and handed them the menus. After a few moments of browsing through the delicious options, they placed their orders. The waiter swiftly noted everything down and disappeared into the kitchen.

"This place is so cute," she says, taking it all in.

When she turns back, she finds Kenji staring intently at her. She shies under his gaze and asks, "What?"

"I want to talk about you," he says, his eyes softening. "What you like, what you dislike, everything."

She agrees, and he starts firing off questions. "What's your favorite color?" he asks.

"Green," she replies with a smile. "Specifically, olive green."

He nods, then asks, "What are your hobbies? What do you like to do?"

She goes off on a tangent, talking about how she loves to read, bake, and cook, and of course, playing softball. Just as he is about to ask another question, she cuts him off.

"Enough about me," she says with a playful grin. "I want to know more about you, mystery man. Outside of what you put on the media, you're a mystery."

Kenji leans back, crossing his arms, his muscles popping. "Alright," he says, accepting her request as if it were some challenge.

She sits up straighter, staring him down. "What's your favorite color?" she asks.

"Red," he responds. "Next question."

"What's your favorite movie?" she asks next.

"The Sandlot," he replies with a smirk.

She laughs, "I'm not surprised."

Then, she asks, "You mentioned your mom moved with you to LA. Where is she now?"

His face turns grim suddenly, and his eyes look far away. "She passed away," he says quietly.

She feels awful for asking and reaches out a comforting hand to touch him. "I'm so sorry," she whispers, her heart heavy with empathy.

Their food finally arrived, providing a much needed distraction from the conversation before, and it was a feast for the eyes. The waiter carefully set down each plate, and the aroma of the freshly cooked dishes wafted up, making their stomachs rumble in anticipation. Excited to capture the moment, she quickly pulled out her phone to take a photo of the beautifully presented food. As she snapped the picture, his hand accidentally made its way into the frame, adding a candid touch to the shot.

She posted the photo on social media, sharing the delightful experience with her friends. The image captured the essence of their meal – the vibrant colors of the dishes, the cozy ambiance of the restaurant, and the spontaneous moment of his hand in the shot. It was a perfect snapshot of their enjoyable evening together.

Love At First Pitch - Kenji Sato  Where stories live. Discover now