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I nervously inhale before clicking the most recent notification, my heart pounding in my chest. I glance past all of Lexa and Sky's missed calls and texts, feeling a pang of guilt for not responding to them. But right now, I can't handle talking to anyone. The second my eyes skim the headline, I feel like I might be sick. The name of a local gossip magazine is in bold on top, and underneath it reads: "Reported: Kenji Sato is back to the playing field of women with his latest addition, Sophia Pierce." I can't bear to read the rest of it. My stomach churns as I swipe over to Twitter, hoping for some distraction or maybe even some support.

But Twitter is much, much worse. I scroll through hundreds of threads and tweets absolutely trashing me, filled with venom from angry fan girls and hateful people. "Kenji Sato has stooped to a new low with his lowest girl," one tweet reads. "Damn straight," another replies. My breathing becomes shallow and uneven as panic settles upon me. I find more posts and articles that delve into my personal life, talking about what I studied in school, where I went, that I played softball, and even the job I had at a fast food service in my high school years. It's like my entire life is on display for the world to judge.

I can't take it anymore. I turn my phone off and place it face down on the table, trying to focus on my breathing. But the panic is overwhelming. My chest tightens, and I struggle to catch my breath. The room feels like it's closing in on me, and I curl up into a ball on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest. Tears stream down my face as I try to calm myself, but the anxiety is relentless.

I feel like I'm suffocating, the weight of the world pressing down on me. My mind races with thoughts of what people are saying, the judgment, the hatred. It's all too much. I rock back and forth, trying to soothe myself, but the panic attack has a firm grip on me. My breathing is erratic, and I feel lightheaded, like I might pass out.

Eventually, exhaustion takes over. My body can't handle the stress anymore, and I drift off to sleep, still curled up into a ball. My dreams are restless, filled with fragments of tweets and headlines, but at least in sleep, I can escape the overwhelming reality for a little while.


For the past two days, I've kept myself locked inside my apartment, the once cozy space now feeling like a prison. The walls that once provided comfort now seem to close in on me, suffocating me with the weight of my own thoughts. Reporters have discovered where I live, and now they wait outside my door, hoping to catch a glimpse of me or snap shots through my curtains. The constant presence of paparazzi has become an all-encompassing violation of my privacy, and I can feel myself slowly losing my grip on reality. Their cameras flash through the windows at all hours, turning my sanctuary into a stage where I am the unwilling performer.

I spend my days glued to my phone, focusing on all the wrong things. Missed calls from Kenji and a stream of texts from both him and Lexa go unanswered. I don't know how to explain everything to my friend who is so far away, and I couldn't face Kenji, not yet. The thought of their concern only adds to my anxiety, making me feel even more isolated and alone. My phone buzzes incessantly with notifications, each one a reminder of the chaos that has taken over my life. I scroll through social media, seeing my face plastered everywhere, accompanied by headlines that twist my story into something unrecognizable.

In a moment of sheer panic, I called Sky when the paparazzi swarmed around my apartment, terrified that they had found out where I lived. Sky convinced me to let her come over, promising to help me through this nightmare. Her voice was a lifeline, a thread of sanity in the madness. Now, I wait for Sky to arrive, hoping she can make it past the swarm of people outside. I pace back and forth, my mind racing with a thousand thoughts. What if they follow her? What if they never leave? The questions swirl in my head, feeding my growing sense of dread.

I sit on my couch in the same pajamas I reuse after my showers, scrolling through hate threads that bash everything from my looks to my sports capability and overall worth. Each hateful comment feels like a dagger to my heart. I bite my lip, and my chest tightens as I read the words. One particular comment sticks with me, and I read it over and over: "Her? He chose her? Yeah, I just don't get it, she's ugly asf." The words engrave themselves in my mind as I read them again and again. I can't escape the barrage of negativity, and it feels like the walls are closing in even tighter.

The only thing that stops me is a sudden knock on my door. I get up and tuck a stray curl from my day-old messy bun behind my ear, opening the door to see Sky's concerned face and her electric blue hair. She takes one look at me and pulls me into the biggest hug. Her embrace is warm and reassuring, and for the first time in days, I feel a glimmer of hope. Sky's presence is a balm to my frayed nerves, and I cling to her, feeling the tension slowly start to melt away. She whispers words of comfort, telling me that everything will be okay, that we will get through this together. And in that moment, I believe her.


Sorry for the short chap i've had a busy day!

- I'm planning on doing a few more filler chapters before heading back towards the movies plot. Because at this point of the movie we go over a slight time jump whilst Kenji trains Emi and turns around his baseball season.

So I am just trying to pace this well without going over the few week time jump because it gives me time to build the characters relationship!

Anyways hope you are enjoying my story, don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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