Chapter 7 - Rabbit & Blaze Trail

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Note: Hey yall I'm back. I got a boost of ideas after reading like 7 vigilante stories so here's an update.
It had been a few years and it was coming up to the time of the first villain attack. Over the course of the years rabbit had managed to make it through injury's without immediately giving up.

Dabi was always a firm partner at his side, the two of them going after criminals and corrupt heros alike. Of course this led to them having to confront the hero commissions lacky, lady nagant more than once.

While dabi was pretty good at staying below the radar when in situations of hunter vs hunted, rabbit was more of the proactive type. Thus he found himself breaking into the hero commission in a pretty piss poor costume. Pretending to be a commission worker as he walked through the halls, trying to seek out their file room and get some dirt on the bastards.

After all, if they were sucking lady nagant on them that must mean they had some dirty secrets they weren't willing to share. Of course the hero commission was taken down easily in the first run, but that was after the league of villains many rampages and the heros finally breaking away from them to go on their own villain killing sprees. Training child soldiers to kill villains in an attempt to quel the growth of the 'dark side.'

Glancing through a windowed door he saw what looked to be a lab, file cabinets and desks shoved against the walls and every which way.

"Bingo." Rabbit muttered, shuffling into the room and. Sneakily opening the cabinets to start a search. Nothing too incriminating as of yet. Mostly just medical records so far.

He moved a cabinet to the left and found something a little oppressive specific.

"Project PH-014?" He muttered lifting the file out to read more in depth. Feeling his stomach twist at the more in depth medical file, listing what seemed like torture methods out and treatments for said methods. What in the ever loving fuck-

Rabbit set the file on the ground and continued searching for more related files. "PH-011? PH-023? How many of these-" footsteps pulled him out of his stupor. Quickly shutting the cabinet and pulling the files he had taken out into his awaiting backpack, he quickly looked for a place to hide, finding a suitable place underneath a waiting lab desk, doors without locks and free of many glass objects he could accidentally break.

The door opened just as he shut the door to his spot. Voices much clearer to be heard now that the people were inside. One voice in particular slightly different-

"-ILL DO B-BETTER- IM SORRY! IM SorrY PlEASe-" someone opened another door across the room and shut it pretty roughly sounds no longer loud enough for rabbit to hear, though the pleading was enough.

He quickly checked around to see a clear coast before climbing out of his hiding place. Eyes glancing to the door across from the entrance he used. He softly padded over to the door and pressed his ear to it, hearing muffled screaming on the other side. Muffled voices talking casually as the sounds persisted. Quickly booking it out of there as fast as his legs could take him, rabbit ran down the halls and out of that building as fast as he could.

"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck-" he kept muttering, almost slipping on the floor with out fas he turned the last corner, practically leaping out of the open window he had entered from, file filled backpack in hand.

He has GOT to tell dabi about this-


"So you broke into the HPSC just because you were a little suspicious????" Dabi reiterated for the millionth time, hands holding his head as he kept asking himself why he talked to a random kid on the street over and over. Rabbit letting the files pour onto the coffee table at the couch for dabi to see. Eyebrow raised as the man simply let out an exaggerated groan before sitting down with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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