Chapter 2 - That Voice...

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Song: Sunsetz - Cigarettes After Sex

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The sassy blond at the desk in front of me clears her throat, bringing my attention back to her.

Her irritated expression suddenly turns to one of mock joy as she plasters a fake smile across her face.

"Hello! Welcome, may I get your name ma'am?" She grits out in a fake barbie voice.

Choosing to go along with it, I answer her while still somewhat preoccupied trying to figure out who was talking a minute ago.

"Calla Sanders" I tell her as i slyly glance to my right and see the man stganding in front of the desk beside me.

One word. Majestic.

He's standing tall with dark wavy hair falling into his face. He has a barely there smile that I can't seem to figure out the sincerity of, plastered across his chiseled face.

He speaks with confidence to the woman behind the desk in front of him, who looks just as flustered as me, even though she looks to be much older than him.

I'm snapped out of my trance as I'm handed a room key and shooed away.

Surprisingly, I'm actually one of the only people staring at him. Maybe its because I grew up in a house with all girls and I don't go out often, but I haven't seen very many people in real life who are that hot.

It takes everything in me to walk out of that room and into the bleak little hallway leading to the elevators, but I do.

Once I'm securely on my floor, I allow myself to take a deep breath, knowing that I'm alone.

I step into my room and walk into the living room/bedroom area, only to be greeted by a suitcase and bags already on my bed.

I take a step back in surprise, bashing my heel into the coffee table behind me and knocking over a pile of metal coasters.

"Fuck" I mutter, grabbing the part of my heel that was stinging from the damage.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opens and a concerned looking blonde boy steps out.

We stand there awkwardly for a couple seconds until he speaks, his voice slightly higher pitched than I was expecting, but nothing out of the ordinary for a teenage boy.

"Oh, uhm..." He snaps his fingers as if whatever he's trying to say is on the tip of his tongue. "Kailey, right?"

"Calla" I correct, my tone easily expressing my confusion. "And am I missing something? This is my room right?"

"Yeah, didn't the girl at the front desk tell you that we have to share rooms because the school didnt get enough or whatever?" He asks.

Not paying attention came back to bite me in the ass

"Oh." It must have been obvious that I wasn't very keen on sharing a room with him, because he narrows his eyes at the facial expression that I wasn't aware I was making.

"I'll take the couch if you want." He says dryly.

"No it's okay, thanks..." I rack my brain for any memory of what his name could be, but my attentiveness is failing me.

"I'll give you a second to think on that." He chuckles as he walks past me out of the room.

I'm left standing there in confusion until I make a move to put my stuff down.

Truth be told, I did not want to sleep on the couch. And the feeling of the crusty leather that it's made out of definitley doesn't help.

But I choose to sit on it and I continue to think about what his name could be.

And then it hits me.


We were almost friends at the beginning of softmore year but then he made friends with a group of guys and we just kind of just, stopped talking.

But he looks so different.

What used to be a buzzcut is now a grown out mess of hair covering his head, the glasses he used to wear are gone, and his style is completely different.

But nonetheless, I still feel horrible that I didnt remember who he was, and I can not afford to have the person I share a room with hating me.

So I go out to look for him.

I shut the door behind me and begin scurrying down the hallway.

Just as I'm turning the corner to reach the elevators, I walk face first into none other than Miles Torren.

The name that I heard once, yet somehow remembered easier than Trevors, but thats the least of my worries right now.

I take a step back and start profusely apologizing.

I'm on my fifth "I'm sorry" before he interrupts me, and I immediately shut up.

"It's okay, I'm fine." His lips turn into a slight smirk as he chuckles lightly. "You're acting like you just hit me with a car or something, damn."

His voice makes me freeze in my spot but before I can say anything, we are interrupted by a screeching voice from down the hallway.

"Come on Milesss! This is our room!" I hear as I turn around to look in her direction.

Shes gorgeous

Her long black hair falls onto her shoulders exposing her tan skin from her off the shoulder top. Her makeup is perfect, with not a single crease in sight.

Why am I jelous of her? I mean if those are his standards, its a wonder Miles even looked in my direction.

Forcing myself to ignore my stupid thoughts, I focus back to what I'm doing, and by now Miles has already started to walk away.

"Sorry!" I say to his back, letting my impulse take over before mentally shaming myself and getting back on track.

I'm so exciteddd next chapter is gonna be the first theme

also i know these chapters are kind of short so if you want them to be longer just ask because i can but idk i kinda prefer shorter chapters when im reading like i feel like its easier to read and to get through.

anywayy what did you think of Miles?? he lowkey had a bit of attitude today but i promise he'll get better

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