Chapter 2

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💜Chapter 2 ~ Home 

It wasn't long after Toriel had called that another giant frog showed up out of nowhere. But this time, I was a little more prepared and I didn't scream in terror when I saw it. 

The frog gave a croak when it saw me, but made no move to attack, tilting its head to one side as it stared at me. Finally, after a few seconds of staring, it spoke. Its voice was deep and windy, barely more than a croak, though I guess that shouldn't be surprising. It WAS a Frog monster, after all. 

"Excuse me, human. I have some advice for you about battling monsters. If you ACT a certain way or FIGHT until you almost defeat them... They might not want to battle you anymore. If a monster doesn't want to battle anymore... Use some MERCY, human. Ribbit." it croaked pleadingly. I wasn't exactly sure what it meant by "Mercy," but I didn't like hurting anyone. Even if they hurt me, I just didn't have the heart to hurt anyone else. 

So if something didn't want to fight, I wasn't going to make them! "I will, big frog." I said quietly. Its eyes widened in surprise. "I am a Froggit, human." it croaked clearly. "Well, I didn't like to hurt anybody, so I won't make something fight me. I don't like to fight, anyway... Froggit." I said calmly. The Froggit's mouth widened into what I could only guess was a bright smile at my words. "Thank you, human." it said before it hopped away and was soon lost to my sight. 

I watched it for a few seconds before I turned and followed the path. For some reason, playfully crinkling through the leaves filled me with determination as I went. As I moved ahead into another room, my new phone went off again. Knowing who it had to be, I answered it, hoping she wouldn't ask where I was again. -"Hello, this is Toriel. For no reason in particular... Which do you prefer? Cinnamon or butterscotch?"- She asked, sounding strangely curious.  

I thought about it for a second. I hadn't had either in so long, but I remembered always loving both, but cinnamon just a LITTLE more. "I like cinnamon more, Mrs. Toriel." I said honestly. -"Oh, I see. Thank you very much."- Toriel said immediately, before she hung up. But I hadn't gone very far here the phone rang again. I answered it. -"Hello, this is Toriel. You do not DISLIKE butterscotch, do you? I know what your preference is, but... Would you turn up your nose if you found it on your plate?"- Toriel asked with that same note of curiosity. 

My eyes widened. "No, no! Of course not! I love both, really! Just, I like cinnamon a little more...!" I assured her with a faint flush of embarrassment. Toriel chuckled over the phone at my response. -"Right, right, I understand. Thank you for being patient, by the way."- She said quickly before she hang up again.

I looked ahead now that I wasn't on the phone. There was a small indent on the ground with a rock a few feet away from it. The passage ahead was blocked by a row of spikes. 'Hmm. If this is...' I mused before I pushed the rock on the switch. It was a little heavy, but I managed. The spikes vanished into the ground the second I did. I giggled happily, knowing I was doing all right on my own and made my way ahead. 

The next room looked pretty bare. The floor looked really cracked, so made my way across it carefully, not stepping on some spots. I had already seen that the strait way wasn't the best way, here. So I kept changing direction until I was across. 

The next room was like the last one, except here, there were three switches and three rocks. I pushed the first two onto the nearest switches, but when I tried to push the third one... 

...I nearly leapt out of my skin at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. It seemed to be coming from the rock... "WHOA there, pardner! Who said you could push me around?" It demanded. "I-I'm sorry. Um, do you think you could move?" I asked it, still kind of stunned at finding a sentient rock. "HMM? So you're ASKIN' me to move over?" It asked, then, but didn't wait for a response. "OK, just for you, pumpkin." it said, and moved over a little. That... Really didn't help. The switch was still a few feet away. 

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