|| Chapter 3 | Friends ||

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Julia's POV

"Come on, Julia, you can go to Noah's room. That's where all the boys are.", Mrs. Roberts winked at me, smiling before turning back to pour some white wine.
I made my way to that one special room, as I went in, I saw Conrad rolling his eyes as him and Noah played some weird game on the play station.
"Hey, Jule.", Noah turned to look at me for a second, then continued to focus on the game.
"Julia, get out!", Conrad yelled.
"Come on J, we can go to my room.", Oliver offered.

As I dream through this memory I realise how I was head over heels for Noah, when Oliver was the one who was always there for me. Obviously I have never had or will never have feelings for him the way I do for Noah.

"Julia! Come downstairs, right now.", I heard my mom yell.

"Uh, yes?", I nervously sat down on the couch, in front of my mom and dad.

"Homecoming was surely interesting, wasn't it?", my mother looked, her face as serious as cancer.

I stayed silent, not being able to find the right words.

"I'm extremely disappointed in you, I mean, getting drunk at homecoming? Then spending the night with Noah Roberts? I don't even know who you are anymore.", she shook her head.

"I didn't spend the night with him! I just slept over, nothing happened. God mom, do you really think that low of me?", I asked, tears already dropping from my eyes.

"It doesn't matter, Julia. Do you not realise how disgusting it is, getting drunk on your homecoming? In front of all teachers and staff? Your reputation is on the line, and ours as well. You're grounded. No more going out whenever you want. You will be home straight after school, and will only go out of the house for ballet.", my mom stood up.

"My drink got spiced! I didn't get drunk because I wanted to.", I cried.

"Why didn't you call us, why Noah? Why put it on the Roberts?", my mom calmed down, still not showing a sign of empathy. To be fair, I didn't deserve it either.

"They are my second family, you always taught me to trust them when you're not there!" I defended my actions.

"You should have told Noah to call your brother immediately, he would have picked you up and none of this would have happened, for the record, I'm going to have to clean this mess up. Because people saw you, Julia. They saw you dancing on those cafeteria tables, you're lucky Charlotte is the girl that she is.", my mother sat back down, laying her head back.

"I don't want a word from you for the rest of the day, you really disappointed me, Julia. I hope you know that.", I got up, and climbed back up the stairs. More and more tears dropping with each step.

I had to text Charlotte, because after all, my mom was right about one thing.

Me : Char, thank you. Truly.
Charlotte : What for?
Me : For saving me from ruining my entire future yesterday.
Charlotte : You're grounded, aren't you?
Me : Yup.
Charlotte : I don't care, you have to come to the party tomorrow.
Me : I'm not sure, what if Vanessa sees me?
Charlotte : You really think Noah would throw a party without being 100% sure his parents are out of town?
Me : I have ballet practice until 8
Charlotte : Great, I'll see you at 8:30 in front of target ;)

Oh, you're on, Charlotte.
Thank you so much for reading. Who's your favourite character so far? I'm happy to explain any confusions and love to hear your opinions! 🤭💕

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