|| Chapter 4 | Rebel ||

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Wednesday, 7:55pm

I was rushing home from ballet, trying to get there as fast as possible. The minute I arrived I got up and showered, put on makeup, curled my hair and put on a red skirt, a black sleeveless top and a red leather jacket over. I held my black boots and tippy toed out of my window in my red stockings, before putting them on and running down the emergency stairs. Soon, I saw Charlotte waiting for me in her white SUV.

"You look amazing, Julia! Noah is going to loose his mind, I promise!", she smiled.

"You too Charlotte, and I don't think so. All Noah ever does at his house parties is hook up with five different girls at the same time, and that's just too messy for me.", I admit, laughing.

"Alright, alright. Now let's go!", she says, turning her beautiful car on and driving carefully.

About fifteen minutes later, we found ourselves walking into the Robert's huge apartment.

"I'll see you later, okay? Have fun, love!", Charlotte smiled and went to her other friends.

Charlotte was three years older than me, she was even older than Noah. We only sometimes had class together, because I volunteered to take senior history. She had different friends that probably were not so crazy about me.

We originally met through ballet, she was my assistant coach, but after my last year's performance made me upgrade to the senior ballerinas.

I can confidently say that Charlotte is my best friend.

I walked past the kitchen, as I was walking by the small balcony, I saw a familiar figure smoking.

I softly opened the clear door and closed it as I entered.

"You smoke?", Noah turned around, frightened.

"Oh my God, Julia! What the fuck are you doing here? You need to leave.", He commanded, but I didn't even think about it.

"Answer my question.", he took a puff.

"You're not blind, are you?", he exhaled, leaning on the fence.

I rolled my eyes.

"Then let me have one." I crossed my eyes, leaning my back on the fence and looking him straight in the eyes.

He looked back and smirked, before shaking his head and continuing to watch over the streets.

"Yeah, right.", he said.

"Aren't you supposed to be grounded?", he asked.

"Yes, but I never miss a good party.", I smiled.

"You're becoming just like the girls I hooked up with. It's so unnatural and not necessary.", he said and I frowned.

"Do not compare me to those bitches, if I remember correctly you invited me.", I explained.

"I invited your brother, but he couldn't come so he told you to go.", he didn't even look at me.

"Sometimes you're such a dick with a massive ego.", I wanted to slap him, but another scene would just ruin me.

"Yet you're still head over heels for me.", he was right, and he left me speechless.

After I realised what he had just said I said : "Get over yourself." and came back inside.

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