Chapter 6

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"Fuck y-you!" a random sophomore said resurfacing from the pool's water. The obnoxious junior guy that threw her in was now bent over the side of the pool laughing.

"Beer?" Sam asked, waving a half-full paper cup in my face. I scowled pushing the cup away. Sam's party was what it's always been like — incredibly awesome. Her parents were hardly around, her allowance was fat enough to cover the expenses, and she invited everyone. Well, everyone that wasn't out of the ordinary.

"Cannonball!" Tony screamed jumping into the water. You'd think at seven in the evening people would want to stay clear of the pool.

"She's going to have a cold tomorrow morning," Jonah sighed, rolling his eyes at a Tony who was waving toward our way.

"She has the whole weekend to get over it," Sam said, coughing into her arm. I ignored them, my eyes searching the party aimlessly for a specific someone, maybe he's inside?

"What you looking for?" Sam asked stumbling a little and taking a hold of my arm. I blushed guiltily faking a cough and ignoring her question.

"If it's Jasper, he's up in my bro's room doing his business with his babe, ya know?" Sam giggled, holding my arm a bit tighter as she staggered a bit. Turning my gaze to her I smiled. Alcohol isn't just her thing.

Looking away from her and back into the party I wondered where exactly Sky and Alex were. I'd only seen them at the beginning of the party, Sam looking at Alex as if he was the incarnation of the devil, Alex looking bored, and Sky looking nervous as she dragged Alex away.

I sighed, feeling Sam rest more of her weight on me.

"I'll take it from here," Denis said, prying Sam off my arm, and carrying her bridal style.

"If you do shit to her I'll fucking kill you!" I called out as he walked away. He turned grinning before turning and continuing on through the crowd. I smiled looking back towards the pool. Denis was Casey's on and off boyfriend, he wouldn't do shit.

I walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, letting my legs into the water.

"Missed ya!" Tony screeched as her head surfaced out of the water.

"You're not meant to wear makeup in the pool," I stated, noting the mascara lines running down her eyes. Tony grinned shrugging, her blonde hair floating around her like a parachute.

"Didn't know I'd be in it," Tony said, grabbing a hold of the edge of the pool, lifting herself out of the water and into a sitting position beside me. She was right about the didn't know thing, she was in a sports bra and brief shorts she borrowed from Sam.

"Leave Sam to plan a party and not give a detailed invite," Tony said, resting her wet threshes on my shoulder. I carefully pulled her away because Jonah was giving me a death glare from the other side of the pool (He liked her) and a weird 'It's not right' feeling was also eating at me. Tony pouted but made a little distance between us anyway.

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