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                            Sana's pov

I am crying uncontrollably since last night.
What else I can do?
I am tired of my life.
My mom and dad they never let me stay happy.
My family never even wanted me to study after school but somehow being stubborn I did B.A.
After that when I said wanna work they didn't let me.
Still that was tolerable and bearable.

But five days back when I told my family that I like a guy and told everything about him.
What they did was unimaginable for me.
For once I thought that what would happen.
They will get convinced after some time.
I am their daughter and they will think about my happiness for once but they didn't.
They took my phone away and....I...am...I am getting engaged today.
To a guy who is divorced already.
I couldn't even calk Vivaan for once.
It's Been 12 years since we are dating.
Means I was 14 when we started dating in school.
I wanted to talk to him and tell him that this is happening to me and they are getting me engaged.

I am still crying.
This is the longest till now that we haven't talked.
It's been five days I...I can't do this....

My mom entered my room and said "Get ready you have 30 minutes" and went out of my room locking Me again.

Yes, I am locked in this room since last five days.
I eat my food in this room only.

I held my courage and got up from floor and took my dress which I was supposed to wear for engagement.
I know if I won't get ready they will kill me.
And that's not even a joke.
Or sarcasm.
They will actually kill me and I don't want to separate from vivaan.

I got dressed.
I didn't do my makeup but my face looked pale which according to my parents shouldn't.
And I can't make them unhappy now.
So I washed my face and applied Surma and lip balm.

I was looking fine but I wasn't fine.
I want to call him and inform him about everything.
I don't want to do this.
I don't want to get engaged.
I couldn't do anything I am helpless.

My mom came back and ordered me to come with her.
It was small function as that man's didn't want to make it a bg affair as it was his second time.

I was told to sit beside him.
I did.
But at a very visible distance.
I couldn't do this.

I greeted that man' parents and that's when I looked at guy.
He looked like he was in his 40s.

He even had 2 children.
One is 7 and second is 6.
Bloody desperate man.
I hate him already.

I sat beside him again and again at a visible distance.
My mind again spoke one thing only "I can't do this. I just cant"

But I was silent outside.
I just want to slap all the people present here and tell each one of them that I love vivaan and don't want to marry this donkey.

But still I just sat there silently.

"Let's do the ceremony now." That donkey said.

Mom got up and got us two rings.
He stood up on his own and I.....I was forced by my mom to stood up.

I stood up.
My mom gave me his ring in hand.
I looked at ring.
And that's when I got a flashback.

2 years ago.
"Vivaan this is a diamond ring. I can't take this...it's worth lakhs" I said and he came near me and kissed me on my forehead.
"I earn for you only my baby....and if won't shower with these gifts than what's the meaning" He said.
I smiled and he happily made me wear the ring.
"Engaged" He said and I blushed.

The ring that I held in my hand was gold ring which that donkey is going to wear.

I sighed.
I have no option left.

I forwarded my handed.
And a known voice said...."Stop this fucking nonsense.....Sana stop" I looked in direction of voice only to find man of my dreams there. My Whole world. My vivaan. He is here......

"Stop this sana" He said "I am here to protect you" He continued


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