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Robyn's Pov Fenty Residence Los Angeles, CA📍

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Robyn's Pov
Fenty Residence
Los Angeles, CA📍

I sighed as I sat all the shopping bags down on my bedroom floor.

It's back to school season and I couldn't be more disappointed.

I hate my school and the people there with a passion.

However, it's my senior year so I am excited that my terrible high school experience is wrapping up.

3 years of bullying and being left out really has an effect on someone.

I tried to make myself be ok with not having friends but it truly sucks.

Prom is this year and I'm sure I won't have a date.

The girls are disgusted by me because of my condition; plus being with me will give them a bad reputation.

The thought of not being included in all of the senior activities like the senior brunch and the senior prank haunted me.

While everyone will be celebrating with their friends on graduation, it'll just be me, my mom, and possibly my dad if he decides to take time off from working.

All of the opportunities I've missed out on out of fear of being picked on are really starting to get to me now that it's time to apply for college.

Knowing colleges look for people who were active in school and participated in sports, clubs, etc only made the application process more difficult because I hadn't done much outside of my academics.

The bullying I experienced was never physical but the words and name calling hurt just as bad.

Having insults like "freak" and "shemale" tossed at you on a daily basis will definitely put you in a negative headspace.

My mother suggested I go virtual but my dad discouraged me from doing so telling me to, "man up and defend yourself."

Knowing my mom would've cursed him out, I never told her the real reason for me deciding against it.

A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in!"

My mom entered with a smile on her face.

"How are you feeling about school? It's your last year!" She cheered.

I smiled small.

"I feel fine. Just ready to get it over with, ya' know."

She nodded in understanding and sat next to me on my bed, rubbing my back soothingly.

"Rih, I really want you to enjoy this year. I know it's been a rough 3 years but something tells me this will be different."

I sighed.

"Ma, the only thing different about this year is I graduate at the end and I never have to go back. The same people are going to be there and I'm going to get treated the same way. It is what it is," I shrugged.

My mother only shook her head.

"Baby, you know I hate that school. I've talked to the principal again and again but he acts like it's not a big deal. Are you sure you don't want to go virtual?"

I nodded in deep thought.

"I'm sure, ma...maybe you're right; maybe this year will be different."

My mom smiled at that.

"And maybe you'll even get yourself a girlfriend-"

I blushed at the thought.

"M-mom, stop." I said with embarrassment.

"I'm just saying. You're tall, got pretty eyes, a nice accent, you know how to dress. I mean what's not to like?"

"Well for starters-"

She mushed my head softly.

"That was a rhetorical question. There's nothing wrong with you, Rih. Don't forget that," she stood and walked towards my bedroom door.

"Ok," I said even though I didn't quite agree with the "nothing's wrong with you" part.

Before she left, she turned and spoke once more.

"How about after your first day of school, we go get ice cream and you can tell me all about your first day?"

"Sounds good," I said standing, stretching my arms and back.

She nodded.

"Great. Dinner's downstairs whenever you're ready to eat."

"Ok, thank you."

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